Request for hallohellohola

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Sofia's POV:-

I was volunteering in Africa as a pediatrician. I loved working here, I feel happy helping little kids. Everything was going well, but one day my boss announced that a new pediatrician was coming to help me with all the kids. 

The day came, but as always I was working really hard and having fun with the kids.The day was almost done, and I was with my last patient, a three year old who need a few shots. She was really scared (and I don't blame her at all, because I'm terrified of needles too). 

"Honey it's just three shots, will you please please let me do it? I'll be really quick.", I said rubbing her arm. She shook her adamant. 

I sighed. She was crying, and I wasn't able to do anything, so I decided to go and get the new doctor for help. 

I went to his room and knocked. "Come in.", I heard a British accent say and entered.

"Hello.", a curly haired doctor turned around and smiled. He was hugging a little girl who seemed to be sniffling the last of her cries.

"Hello, I'm Sofia. I do the same thing you do. I was hoping if you could come help me with a three year old? She's really scared of shots and I don't know what to do."

"Of course, Sofia. I'm Harry. This is Bailey, she just had her two shots done! Isn't that brave?", Harry said talking about the girl he was holding and I smiled.

"It is! Nice job Bailey."

The girl gave a small smile and Harry ruffled her hair. I watched as he spoke to her about how well she did and how she has to take care of her health before they said their goodbyes and her mother came to pick her up. I couldn't take my eyes off him. He was really sweet, nice and handsome. His smile was very attractive too, as if his personality wasn't enough.

"Lead the way.", Harry smiled at me, ready to come help me. We entered my office, and Harry introduced himself to the girl. He somehow convinced her and sat her on his lap as I vaccinated her. She did cry but he comforted her and sang to her softly. I'm starting to like this guy more and more. She end up hugging both of us with a big smile and giving us a gift, which was a drawing she made. I was so happy, and I assume Harry was too.

"Thanks a lot Harry.", I sigh laying down on the examination bed really tired. She was my last patient for the day.

"No problem, I love helping.", he said smiling as he sat on the chair. 

"So, what brings you here?", I ask.

"As I said, I love helping, you know like a service for people, which is our job. Also I love kids. Then the kids here in Africa, don't really have all the necessities and basic needs..." I smiled continuing to listen to him talk. 

We talked for a little bit about why we became pediatricians, why we were in Africa, how sad it makes us to give little kids their vaccines because of the pain of the "pinch" and other things.

"Have you updated your vaccines Sofia? You're living in Africa for a long time now.", he then said making me panic inside. I haven't. My silence made him search for my file. 

"Oh love, you need 9 shots.", he read out and I gasped.

"You need it to protect yourself from the various diseases Sofia, it's important.", he said keeping my file back. "I'm going to give them to you, since you're laying down already. We'll do two on each arm, two on each thigh and um I'm sorry but the last one should be in your bottom."

This is going to be so embarrassing. I hate shots. Harry was already prepping the needles.

I started to have a panic attack gaining his attention.

"Hey, hey, love, it's okay, breathe with me.", he placed my hand on his chest and exaggerated deep breaths so I could follow. "I'm going to be really gentle and quick, I promise. You got this Sofia."

I nod catching my breath. He smiled gently and gave me some water before putting on his gloves and taking my arm, rubbing the alcohol wipe on it. 

"Don't look at the needle.", he said gently turning my head. "Okay, here comes the first one. Deep breath in-" I whimpered feeling the needle enter. "Out, slowly...done with the first one!"

Harry continued giving the rest of the shots, they started to hurt even more although he had been very gentle and caring. I cried, creating a mess, they hurt too much. 

"I'm so sorry honey, I am. Can you please lay on your stomach? I promise it's the last one." I could hear the voice crack in his voice. How bad must he feel doing this to me?

I turned around on my stomach and he pulled back my skirt just a little to give the last injection on my butt. As my crying got harder as it was the worst and it burnt, I could hear him quietly sniffling too. 

After he finished, I just laid defeated and sore all over. I heard the snaps of gloves as he removed his gloves and then I was pulled up into a firm chest but strong arms. He hugged me very tight. 

"I'm so sorry love, I'm sorry.", he whispered nuzzling his head into my neck. 

"I-It's okay, I'm s-sorry too.", I stuttered out, burying my head into his chest. It was really comfortable. I liked being held by him.

He didn't let go, kept holding me for I don't know how long. I calmed down eventually. 

"May I take you home with me darling?", he then asked. I was in no shape to drive home by myself and Harry didn't seem like the spooky type.

I nodded and he lifted me into his arms. He shut off the clinic still carrying me and took me to his apartment.

He laid me down on his couch once we got there and covered me with a blanket. "You can take a nap love.", he smiled moving some care back from my forehead. I was almost half asleep and my eyes closed, going into sleep completely.

When I woke up, Harry had sweetly made dinner for me and we both ate together, both of us in a better mood. 

I felt a hand turning my chin as we came to an end of our movie and I met Harry's pretty green eyes. He smiled and pressed his lips onto mine. I smiled against his lips as we kissed.

I think, at that moment we realized that we needed each other. We connected just within seconds and I already feel close to him. That was the start to Harry and I's relationship and a year afterwards, we had a kid. A beautiful daughter who looked exactly like Harry.

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