Request for pinklion28

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Veronica's POV:-

I groan as I roll over in bed for what seems like the hundredth time. My stomach has been hurting so bad since three days now. I thought it would go away, and it was probably the stomach flu or something, but this is getting so bad now! 

I throw up into the trash can next to me on the bed. I have been throwing up continuously and haven't gotten sleep. 

I have to see a doctor. What if I'm dying!?

So I call my Doctor's office to make an appointment.

"Hello, how can I help you?"

"Hey..I'd like to make an appointment with Doctor name's Veronica." Louis, or Doctor Tomlinson has been my primary care doctor since a year now, he's really cute, and a very sweet person. 

"Veronica..just wait a minute please! Alright, is tomorrow at 11 am fine for you?"


After making the appointment, I take some more painkillers and close my eyes, hoping to get some sleep. 

I get even worse by the morning, my body feeling extremely hot and it feels like someone is stabbing my insides. I can't even keep down water. 

I somehow get myself to the clinic, and I don't have to wait too much before I'm sent to an exam room. 

"My favorite patient!", Louis says as he comes in. "Oh no, you don't look too good Veronica."

"Gee thanks Louis.", I say and he chuckles before giving me a little hug. "Sorry. But we're gonna get you out of here feeling better in no time!"

"That would be great."

Louis smiles and I catch him just staring at my eyes for a few seconds. 

"Doc? I'm dying over here.", I point out.

"Sorry.", he blushes and goes to wash his hands. "What's going on love?"
"I'm sick."

He snickers, drying his hands on a towel. "I can see that darling, tell me your symptoms."

He just throws around 'loves' and 'darlings', which sound so sweet from his mouth. 

Stop it. He's your doctor. 

"I've been throwing up non stop, I can't keep down anything, not even water. And my stomach hurts really bad..head too, I was dizzy in the shower this morning."

"I'm sorry you feel bad.", he pouts as he takes my wrist to check my pulse. "Diarrhea too?"


"Sounds like food poisoning to me, love. Let me take your temperature."

He inserted the thermometer in my ear and winced when it beeped. "102.6, that's a bad fever."

He took my blood pressure and noted it down while asking me if I had eaten anything unusual and about my allergies, then listened to my heart and lungs.

I take a deep breath as he asked and blush when his hand brushes my breast as he moves the bell to another area under my shirt on my chest and I couldn't help but look at his face. The sharp jawline, the deep blue eyes and the brown tousled hair is just perfect. He's so handsome.

After he finished with that, he looked into my eyes, ears and mouth. 

"Lay down for me darling.", he pats the examination bed and I sigh as I lay down. "It's gonna hurt.", I whine, knowing he's gonna press on my stomach next. 

"I'm just gonna listen with my stethoscope first, no pain there.", he comprises, and I nod. "Lifting your shirt a bit.", he mumbles as he pulls up my shirt to see my stomach and the waistline of my pants a little lower. His eyebrows furrowed together in concentration as he moved the bell to different areas of my stomach.

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