Request for anonymous- Covid vaccine

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"I'm going first, then Zayn, Louis, Niall and Harry.", Liam reads from his phone. He just got a message from management, as to when they're getting their covid vaccines. 

"We should get ready and go down to the medical camp.", he adds.

Niall was biting his nails in a corner of the room, Harry looked like he saw a ghost. 

"Okay!", Louis says, going to get ready. Zayn also nods and go to his room, sharing with Harry. "You not coming Haz?"

Harry nods slowly and follows Zayn out. 

Harry was silent the entire time, Niall was the same in the other room. 

"What's wrong mate?", Zayn asks, clearly noticing his friend's lack of energy and goofiness.

Harry shook his head. "Come on bro, tell me.", Zayn says laying his hand on Harry's shoulder.

"It's so silly.", Harry mumbled.

"That's fine.", Zayn smiles reassuringly.

Harry sighs before saying, "I'm scared of needles, I don't want to get the shot Zayn."

"Aw. The shot is so we remain strong against the virus and even if we do contract it, we don't die. It's important to be vaccinated Harry."

"I know but I-I'm just scared."

Zayn hugs him, Harry squeezed back tight. "You don't have to be Hazza, it'll be just a little pinch, you won't even know it! It won't hurt as much as these tattoos."

Harry cracked a smile as Zayn poked his arms full of tattoos. "And if you want, I can come in to hold your hand."

"You will?"


"Thanks mate."

Harry and Zayn got ready and waited for the other boys.

Niall confessed his fear to everyone too, and the other three boys were trying to calm the younger boys down. 

"Liam!", the nurse called.

Liam patted Niall's back. "I'm going to be right back and tell you if it hurt or not."

Liam bravely went inside the room and sat down where the nurse told him to. He didn't even know when the shot was delivered. 

"It's not painful at all!", he exclaimed to the others.

"You're just saying that.", Niall mumbled.

"No I'm not Ni, why would I lie to you?"

Liam sat down as per the nurse's instruction, Zayn going in next. 

Zayn thought it's nothing compared to the painful tattoos he has on his body. Louis also thought the same, and then it was Niall's turn.

"No, no, no I don't want it!", he protests.

"Niall I'll be be gentle.", the nurse says, Liam bringing Niall in. Niall began shaking and panicking.

"Hey, hey, Nialler breathe.", Liam says, bringing his hand to his chest. "In and's alright, it's gonna be okay."

Zayn rubbed his back and Niall slowly calmed down. "I'll be real quick, don't look.", the nurse says, filling the syringe with medicine. Niall buried his head in Liam's shoulder, squeezing Louis' hand. 

The nurse cleaned his arm and pricked it, Niall let out a little whimper but it quickly faded away. 

"All done, good job. Now sit here for ten minutes and let me know if you feel dizzy or nauseous. You may have a fever, cold, headache and arm pain later, but nothing to worry about.", she says, Niall nodding as he gets up and sits in another chair.

"Bring Harry in now please.", she says.

Louis goes to get him. "Lou please, I don't want to get it, I'm sure I'll be fine without it.", Harry says.

"That is not for you to decide bro, we can never be sure of that. See? Niall had it too and he's alive and breathing, so are we. It's going to be fine."

"Hi Harry, have a seat.", the nurse smiled and Harry bit his lip in anxiety as Louis sat him down. Zayn held his hand as promised. Niall offered him a smile.

"It's okay Haz, I worried for no reason, it's not so bad."

"Exactly. Just don't look and it'll be done in seconds.", Liam says, Louis turning Harry's head from the needle to his face. "Keep breathing and relax."

"You guys can be me by now.", the nurse jokes and they boys laugh, except Harry. "Ready love?", the nurse asks, swiping his arm with the wipe. 

Harry nodded shutting his eyes and breaking Zayn's hand by squeezing.

"Ouch.", Zayn chuckles.

The nurse did his shot too, Harry felt just a little tingle. "Is it over?", he asked hopefully.

"Yes! You brave baby.", Louis pats his head and everyone laughs. Harry smiled sheepishly. "Thanks guys."

The boys are like brothers, they will support each other when they're scared or in times of need.



Hope you liked that. The timing was apt as I just got my covid vaccine yesterday. I barely felt the shot itself as the nurse was talking to me, I wasn't scared either. I was tired yesterday and today my arm hurts but I'm fine otherwise. Those who are not vaccinated, please do get it! I will update with the other requests soon, take care loves!

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