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Carla's POV:-

"Louis! The coffee's too hot!", I hiss, grabbing my cheek as I keep the cup of coffee back down on the table.

"Oh sorry, a thank you would be a better reply to your boyfriend who got up in the morning to make you breakfast, but okay.", Louis sasses. 

I roll my eyes and throw a punch to his arm as he passes me while he twirls around the kitchen. "And now you abuse me. Best girlfriend ever!", he jokes. 

"Shut up I'm in pain!", I whine, holding the ice pack to my cheek.

"And I'm sorry about that.", he chuckles, pressing a kiss to my nose. "Did you take the medicine I gave you?"

"Yes, it doesn't help.", I grumble. My wisdom teeth has been coming in and it's the most annoying pain there is. Louis' a dentist, and he said we could wait a bit longer before removing it when he checked on it a few days back. 

"Hm. Open.", he says, rubbing his hands on his sweats before cupping my cheeks.


"Open your mouth, lemme see real quick."

I open my mouth as much as I can, and he leans down to take a look. "I think they may have to come out sooner than we thought.."

"You said we could wait!", you say.

"I did say that, but this may get infected if it's not removed in two-three days. How bout we schedule it for tomorrow?" He closes my jaw and looks at me.

I'm honestly very nervous for the surgery. I have never had any type of surgery, and the first one in my mouth? Not very reassuring. I know Louis will be there and I trust him, but I'm still very scared. 

"Do we have to?", I ask. 

"Yes darling, better to get it over with.", he smiles, tucking some hair behind my ear. "It'll be fine. Don't you want to eat properly again?"

"Yes, okay.", that made me agree and he laughs. "You're adorable."

"And you're mean."

"I'm not!", he says, pressing kisses to my cheeks as he hugs me. "I love you.", he sings in my ear. I can't help but smile and lean in to him. "I love you too."

I have the cereal and drink the rest of my now cold coffee while Louis has toast, and then we're off to our days. I fight through the pain, Louis keeps calling me in between asking how I am making me smile. Finally the day's over, and I go to bed worrying about the procedure. 

"What if I die?", I ask as we walk down the hallway to the room where my surgery's gonna happen. 

"You won't die babe, it's just a wisdom tooth removal.", Louis laughs, giving my hand a squeeze.

"What if I never wake up?"

"You will wake up, no doubt."

"What if I never come back to my senses again?"

"It wouldn't be much different-ah!", Louis yelps as I slap him. He laughs and puts his arm around my shoulders. "Baby, relax, I'll take care of you."

"That's exactly what I'm scared for."

He pushes the door open and tries to pull me in but I stay grounded. "Come on.", he says, and drags me in.

"Harry help me!", I say as I see Harry keeping deadly tools on the trays and looking at x rays.

"That's why I'm here Y/N, I believe we're taking out your wisdom teeth today.", Harry smiles, and hugs me. 

"That's right!", Louis says, closing the door. 

"Harry promise me something.", I say.

"Anything for you my love.", he plays along. 

"Oi. That's my girlfriend Harold.", Louis chides, and Harry chuckles. 

"Make sure Louis doesn't pull out all my teeth and wreck my mouth.", I say.

"Seriously? I'm your boyfriend, not a monster!", Louis says throwing his hands up in the air.

Harry bursts out laughing and nods to me. "You got it, Louis will only do his job, I'll make sure of it!"

"Okay.", I sigh in relief. 

"On the chair miss.", Louis says, washing his hands. 

I drag myself over to the dental chair which was already done and l lay down on it. Harry sits on the rolling chair and puts a bib around me. "I will film you after you wake up, it's gonna be so funny."


"Sorry Y/N, I really have to, as your friend, it is my duty to that."

Some friends and boyfriends I have. "And I'll send it to your mum and dad, they told me especially.", Louis says, sitting on the other rolling chair. 

"Nooo please.", I plead, and the boys laugh. "You know one day will come, where both of you will also have to get your wisdom teeth removed, I'll make sure you never forget that day when it comes."

"We'll look forward to it.", Harry teases, sticking his tongue out at me. 

"Right, let me take a look before we start.", Louis says, switching on the light and bringing it to my mouth. He picks up the mirror and brings it to my mouth. "Open up baby."

Both their heads come into my line of vision as they peer into my mouth. They talk in dentist language for a few minutes, until I can close my mouth again. 

"Harry would you do the IV?", Louis asks. 

"Sure.", he nods. "I'll be right back.", he tells me, going out. 

Louis starts looking at my x rays. "Lou.", I say.



"What?", he turns around. 

I reach for his hand and hold it, biting my bottom lip. It's actually going to happen. I am more scared and nervous now, I'm not playing around anymore. Looking into my eyes, Louis understands that and smiles, pressing kisses to my fingers. "Why are you nervous darling? Tell me, we'll talk about it."

"I don't know, I've never had surgery before.", my lip quivers and a single tear rolls down my cheek. 

"Hey, hey sweetheart.", he coos, thumbing it away. "'s okay, this is nothing babe, it's just a small procedure, I wouldn't even call it surgery. Nothing could go wrong Y/N, trust me. I've made sure of everything, because you're my girlfriend and I want everything to be perfect. Do you want Niall to do it instead of me? He and Harry can do it then-"

"-No, no I trust you, it's not that.", I quickly say. 

"Whatever you want babe, I'm okay with whatever you feel comfortable with.", he says.

"I want you to do it Lou.", I say. 

"Alright. I'll never leave your side, I'll be right here when you wake up and everything's gonna be fine.", he whispers, leaning down to join our foreheads. "You'll be okay baby, I love you."

"I love you too.", I whisper back, kissing his cheek. "Okay, I'll be fine, I got this."

"Exactly.", he says, kissing me.

"I'm back lovebirds!", Harry says coming with a tray. "You get a minute alone and you start snogging."

Louis holds my hand while Harry puts in the IV. I wince and Louis runs his fingers through my hair, soothing me. "Shh...all done."

"You'll feel some coldness of the medicine Y/N, it'll make you sleepy now, okay? Don't fight it.", Harry says, laying my arm back down on the chair gently. 

I look at Louis who smiles his charming smile and kisses the back of my hand. "I love you.", he repeats. I smile sheepishly and that's how I dozed off. I'm sure Louis and Harry would have made fun of me.

When I wake up, Louis' still by my side, like he promised. I'm glad I got myself a guy who can keep his promises. 

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