Request for hallohellohola

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Sophie's POV:-

I sit at the gynecologist's clinic, bouncing my knee and waiting for my name to be called. I have been to gynecologist before but that was years ago and it was just a normal exam with a bunch of questions. I hope it's the same now, I don't want a stranger poking at my lady parts.

The reason I'm here today is because I have terrible period cramps when I'm on my period and my mother told me I'd better get checked out. She also told a lot of scary terms, I hope I don't have those conditions and it's just a bad case of cramps. 

"Sophie?", the nurse called and I stood up.

She smiled. "There's a gown on the bed, you can put that on, just that and Doctor Styles will be in shortly. You can take a seat.", she says leading me to an exam room.

"Okay, thank you.", I say, and she leaves. 

I look around the room, there were some tools hanging on the wall, along with some normal exam stuff. There was a bed that could be leaned back at a corner and a rolling stool right next to it. I take the gown that was there and go behind the little curtain, to change into just the gown. 

I put my clothes and my bag on the chair over there and walk to the bed, hoping onto it. I cringe as the white paper makes a crinkling sound under me.

Soon there was a knock on the door. "May I come in?"


I gasp when a familiar face walks in.


"You know me? Oh wait, Sophie!", he exclaims and laughs. "Oh my god, hi!", he quickly hugs me. Harry and I went to high school together and I had a little crush on him that time. He looked different, his curls were less over the place and more tamed, he looked taller but that smile and the eyes remained the exact same. He also had a white coat on. 

I laugh. "I didn't expect you at all! Are you a gyno?"

"Yes! I work here. How are you?", he smiles. 

"I'm good, how are you?"

"Great, it's nice to see you again Soph. I tried to contact you but your number changed right?"

"Yeah! I lost a lot of contacts like that. It's so nice to see you too Haz."

We begin catching up and I feel myself zone out when he laughs or smiles with those cute dimples, I used to poke them when they appeared. 

"I hope you're okay with me being your doctor today, if not I can ask someone else.", he says politely. I blush when I realize what I'm here for but shake my head. 

"I'm already pretty nervous, I think it's better if it's a person I know."

"Don't be nervous love! I'll make it as comfortable as it can be for you, don't you worry.", he gives you a smile before looking into his clipboard having my medical history details.

"I would love to catch up some more with you, but we've got to get to our appointment. Would you like to talk sometime later?", he asks hopefully.

"Of course!"

"Deal.", he grins. "Now tell me, are you here for a check up or any concerns?", he pulls up the chair and sits down.

"My um period cramps are really bad.", I say and he nods, writing it down. "How bad love? Can you describe this pain?"

"Uh it's just like this stabbing pain all over and I can't move at all. I'm usually crying."

"Oh no, that's horrible.", he says. "How long do your periods last usually?"

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