Request for anonymous- Medication reaction

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Y/N's POV:-

You felt a soft hand running through your hair and kissing parts of your face delicately. That can only be your boyfriend Niall, you think and a small smile breaks through your face as you wake up from your sleep. 

"Good morning princess.", Niall whispers as he pecks your lips. 

"Good morning baby.", you whisper back and open your eyes to meet the icy blue ones staring back at you. Your Irish man grins at you and kisses your nose. "Look at those pretty eyes. How did you sleep?"

"Hm..not so good, I kept waking up.", you mumble and he pouts as he continues playing with your hair. "You don't feel good princess?"

You take a few deep breaths to decide. You live with a chronic illness, so you barely feel good at all, but some days, it's just horrible. Your joints were aching and your whole body just felt very weak. Sleep doesn't come easy either. 

"No..", you whisper and he wraps his arms around you, bringing you into his chest tightly. Just what you needed. You grip him and bury your head in his chest as he rubs up and down your back softly. 

"I'm sorry bout that my love.", he coos, leaving kisses on your head. "Let's get you to take your medicines and then you can go back to sleep okay? I'll call in your work. And I don't need to get to the hospital before noon, so I'll be here too."


Niall hugs you for some more time before sliding out of bed and getting your medicines along with a glass of water. He helps you take them before you lay back down.

"Cuddles?", you ask, holding out your arms.

"You don't need to ask princess.", he jumps in again and snuggles you in his arms. You smile and close your eyes. 

But you cannot sleep. 

As every minute passes, you just feel worse. You feel nauseous, like you can't breathe and you're in a lot of pain. 

You sit up abruptly making Niall do the same. He recognizes the look on your face and quickly grabs the trash can, bringing it to your mouth just in time.

You groan tiredly as you throw up and Niall rubs your back in circles, pressing his lips to your ear. "It's okay princess, let it all out."

Niall won't be grossed out by things like this, because he's a doctor, in fact one of yours. The rest of your doctors Liam and Harry, and your nurses Zayn and Louis have also become your good friends.

"Are you done baby?", he asks and you nod. He makes you take a few sips of water and goes to the bathroom to clear out the bin. 

"N-Ni I don't feel good.", you croak, your head pounding, as you reach out for him. 

"I know princess.", Niall frowns, kissing your cheek softly. "It's going to be okay, I love you."

Niall wraps his fingers around your wrist to feel your pulse. "That's quite fast baby, take some deep breaths okay?"

You try, but you end up throwing up again, and Niall feels heat radiating from your forehead. He's starting to get concerned now. He takes your temperature and it's 100.9 F, which means you have a fever. 

"Princess? I'm gonna take you to the hospital, I think we should get you checked out since you feel so terrible."

You agree and he helps you dress, before carrying you to the car. You struggle in pain all the way to the hospital, Niall had already informed the rest of your team so you were rushed into a room as soon as you got there.

He tells them about your symptoms. 

"Hi darling, sorry you feel poorly.", Zayn coos, stroking some of your hair from your hot forehead. "Zayn.", you whimper back in greeting and he smiles softly. 

"Did you have anything unusual Y/N?", Liam asks, and you shake your head. 

Harry rubs your arms. "It's okay love, we're gonna help you feel better soon okay?"

"Yeah, and you're gonna be out of here in no time!", Louis adds, who was fussing over you with a thermometer.

"I'm gonna help you change into this gown princess, boys out for a minute please.", Niall says and they listen. Niall changes you into the hospital gown and lays you down, kissing your forehead. "Baby we're gonna do a quick check up to see what's up okay?"

You nod, but you're scared because you have no idea what's going on.

Harry cups your cheek and smiles. "It's okay sweetheart, we're not going to let anything happen to you. You can relax."

"C-Can I get some pain meds?", you ask.

Niall nods, sad to see you in discomfort and tells Zayn the amount of pain medicine to give you. 

"I'm gonna put an IV in love, so you can get your pain meds and some fluids in you.", Louis lets you know as he cleans your arm. Harry starts looking into your eyes and Niall holds your hand while Louis inserts the IV to comfort you. Zayn works on getting you comfortable with blankets and pillows, then takes your blood pressure.

Liam palpates your stomach and you cry out at most of the places. "Okay, okay I'm done, I'm sorry darling.", Liam apologizes, and notes down something. 

Niall listens to your heart and lungs with his stethoscope and you had your eyes closed as Harry told you that you could after he had checked your eyes. 

"Sweetheart could you open your mouth?", Harry asks, and you comply. You feel the tongue depressor pressing down on your tongue and Harry makes sure not to go too far with it as it would make you gag. 

"Thank you.", Harry closes your jaw and murmurs to the others, "Red throat."

"We have to draw some blood darling.", Liam tells you. "So Louis will do that, we think you're just having a reaction from your new medications, but it's better to be safe than sorry."


The three doctors have a discussion in whispers, not to disturb you, while Louis preps your other arm for the blood draw and Zayn wraps his arms around you to comfort you while also holding your hand. You lean against him and wince as you feel the pinch.

"Almost done, doing so good babe.", Zayn praises, kissing your cheek. 

"And done! You're such a brave girl.", Louis says. 

You feel a little eased now that the pain meds are kicking in. Niall gets in bed with you and holds you while waiting for the results of the blood draw. 

"Your results are in love, it is a medication reaction like we suspected.", Harry says, coming in. "Are you feeling any better?"

"Yeah..but tired."

"I bet. Niall says you haven't got much sleep. We're going to continue giving you fluids, nausea and pain meds, and keep you here for some time. You can sleep."

"We'll be right here.", Zayn assures, squeezing your shoulder. 

"Thanks for taking care of me guys.", you smile weakly.

"It's our job to make sure our favorite person is okay!", Louis ruffles your hair and you laugh.

"Go to sleep now princess.", Niall smiles and kisses you. 

You loop your fingers through his and bring his hand up to your lips to kiss it. "I love you." You do have the best boyfriend in the world. Who else would put up with all this?

"Aw I love you too my angel.", he coos, kissing the top of your head. 

"I'm sorry.", you whisper to him, for being like this. You wish you could be a normal girlfriend sometimes.

"Why the hell would you be sorry Y/N? For feeling bad? It's not your fault at all, please. I love taking care of you and I will do it all my life."

You smile and kiss him again before closing your tired eyes. 

"Sleep tight princess.", you hear him mumble as he pets your hair lovingly. 

Niall continued to hold you throughout your sleep and the boys continued monitoring you, checking your vitals every now and then. After a day, you were feeling better and you could go home with Niall. You were still worn out, but of course your doctor Niall nursed you back to health and he's always there for you, every step of the way in your life. He always catches you if you fall. 

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