Year 1:20

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[Sure enough, As the chamber glows with light, a kind of battlefield is revealed, studded with faceless soldiers.]

Younger kids gasped in horror.

Hermione: But what're we to do?

"It's a bit obvious. Isn't it?" Asked a Ravenclaw.

"Yeah." Aurora answered sending a teasing look at Hermione who went red in embarrassment.

[As Hermione takes a tentative step onto the board, a BISHOP'S STONE SWORD drops heavily down, barring her way.]

Ron: It's obvious, isn't it?We've got to play our way across the room. Excuse me....are we meant to join you? [as the bishop nods].Brilliant. [to Harry, Hermione] Now don't be offended, but neither of you are particularly good at chess--

"Just do it Ron." Emilia rolled her eyes. "We know you're the best in chess."

Aurora: We're not offended, Ronnie.

Harry: Just tell us what to do.

Ron: All right. Harry, you take the empty Bishop's square. Hermione-- you'll be the Queenside castle. Aurora you take the queen's square. As for me...

[Ron leaps astride the only riderless horse.]

Ron:...I'll be a Knight.

"Ofcours you would!" Twins chuckled till Molly sent them a stern look.

Hermione: What happens now?

Ron: We play.

Aurora: White moves first.

McGonagall looked closely, how the kids beat her chessboard.

[As Aurora said, Across the board, a WHITE PAWN moves forward two squares (e4). As Ron contemplates his own move, Hermione glances apprehensively at the fierce pieces across the board]

Hermione: Ron, you don't suppose this is going to be like real wizard's chess, do you?

"It is, Miss Granger." McGonagall said sadly.

"Figured that, Minnie." Aurora chuckled awkwardly.

[Ron--contemplating something-- doesn't answer immediately, instead gesturing to his own pawn.]

Ron: You there....d5

[As Ron's BLACK PAWN obliges, WHITE'S PAWN slides swiftly forth (to d5) and, with a THUNDEROUS collision, the black pawn EXPLODES, rubble raining to the ground.]

"Ah!!" All the students screamed.

Ron: Yes, Hermione I think this is going to be exactly like wizard's chess.

Everyone gulped. They had no idea how four first years survived this.

[DISSOLVE TO....the chess board, a real battlefield now, littered on both sides with fallen pieces.Ron, drained but intense, surveys the board, MUTTERING to himself.]

Ron: Think....Think.... [deciding] Castle to.... c3

"You can do it little bro." Said Charlie.

"You realise that's about seven years ago, right Charlie?" Aurora gave him a questioning look.

"Ah-- Oh!! Yeah." Charlie scratched back of his neck embarrassed.

Resseracted (Harry Potter movies)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora