Year 2: 14

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[As Harry, Aurora and Ron exchange a puzzled glance, Moaning Myrtle spirals INTO VIEW, looking disturbingly...happy.]

Moaning Myrtle: Ooh, wait till you see. It's awful!

"The hair wasn't human, was it?" Julianne asked, realizing the incident.

Hermione shook her head.

[The stall's lock slides back. The door opens slowly.]

Hermione(O.S.): Do you remember me telling you the Polyjuice Potion was only for human transformations...?


[Even in shadow, they can see: Hermione's face is covered in FUR, her eyes YELLOW, and POINTED EARS poke through her hair.]

"That's not your shadow." Said A Ravenclaw.

Hermione: It was cat hair I plucked off Millicent Bulstrode's robes! Look at my face!

"My cat doesn't look like that," Said Millicent dumbly. Others rolled their eyes.

Aurora: Who knew she had a cat. [Gives a comforting smile.]

Ron: Look at your tail.

"Ronald!" Molly scolded.

"What? It was a cute tail." Ron chuckled as Hermione blushed.

"Aw!!" Aurora cooed and winked at Hermione. Harry chuckled at his two friends. Both Aurora and Harry were trying to set up Ron and Hermione together. 

[Staggering under the weight of the LIBRARY BOOKS in their arms, Harry and Ron make their way to Hermione's bed, which is covered in... BOOKS.]

"What the--?" Sirius shuddered at the sight of books as James mock fainted.

"Certainly Lily 2.0," Said Julianne.

Hermione: Oh, good. Put those anywhere.

[They look. There is no anywhere. So they just... drop them.]

Ron: Madam Pince asked that we relay a message to you, Hermione: She'd appreciate it if you'd leave a few books for the rest of the school.

"I did not say that." Said Madam Pince. "I love kids who love and cherish books."

"Love and cherish books? Are they getting married with books?" Ron muttered to Harry and Aurora who snorted and suppressed the laughs.

Hermione: I've got to keep up, haven't I?

[Just then, Hermione's tail twitches INTO VIEW.]

Ron: Is that thing ever going away?

"Did you secretly wish for that to not go away?" Emilia teased her cousin.

Hermione: Any day now, according to Madam Pomfrey. I'm just thankful I've stopped coughing up fur balls.

Ron: We all are, believe me.

Hermione: Now. What about the Chamber of Secrets? Any new leads?

"Why can't you guys just let that go?" Lily sighed.

Harry: Nothing.

Hermione: And has it gotten any better? I mean... is anyone speaking to you?

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