Year 2: 12

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[Students drift into the snow with their trunks, heading home for holiday. As Harry, Aurora, Ron and Hermione appear, Ernie and few others cast wary glances.]

Kids gave apologetic glaces at Harry.

Fred: Make way for the Heir of Slytherin! Seriously evil wizard coming through!

"Honestly you two." Molly shook her head.

[Ron grins, amused, then sees Harry -- anything but.]

Ron: Oh, c'mon, Harry. Fred's just having a laugh.

Harry: He's the only one.

"Wrong." Said Aurora. "These two are a package deal." Aurora pointed Fred and George.

Ron: Okay, so half the school thinks you're nipping off to the Chamber of Secrets every night. Who cares?

Aurora: It's not a joke Ron.

Ron: Since when are you like this? [Ron frowns.]

"Yeah." Fred agreed.

"You were acting really strange those days." George added.

Harry: Maybe they're right.

"Harry!" Lily frowned.

Hermione: [reproachfully] Harry!

Harry: [frustrated] I didn't know I could speak Parseltongue. What else don't I know about myself? Maybe you can do something... even
something horrible... and not know you did it.

"You're theory is correct Harry. But you're not the right person." Aurora gave a weak chuckle.

Who knew about what exactly happened in the second year gave encouraging looks at Aurora.

Adults shared a worried glance.

Hermione: You don't believe that, Harry, I know you don't. And if it makes you feel better, I just heard Malfoy's staying over for holiday,

"Arg- way to make Christmas horrible." Sirius and James grumbled.

Ron: Why would that make anyone feel better?

Hermione : Because, in a few days, the Polyjuice Potion's will be ready. In a few days... we may truly know who is the Heir of Slytherin.

"You guys never give up, do you?" Asked Hannah.

"Never." The quartet chuckled.

[The Christmas Feast. The Hall glimmers grandly as snowflakes tumble from the ceiling. Harry and Ron sit with Hermione.]

Hermione: Everything's set. We just need a bit of who you're changing into.

"To be honest, I'm exited to see what happen." Remus said earning glares from three mothers, Lily, Molly and Julianne.

Harry: Crabbe, Goyle and Greengrass.

"Arg- that mudblood changed into me." Daphne sneered.

"Believe me Greengrass, I didn't enjoy it either." Aurora sighed.

Hermione: And we also need to make sure that the real Crabbe, Goyle and Greengrass can't burst in on us while we're interrogating Malfoy.

"Imagine the horror in the real Crabbe, Goyle and Greengrass' faces." James snickered.

Ron: How?

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