Year 3: 06

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[In the morning, As BRIDGE and CASTLE glimmer in the distance, Hagrid emerges from the Forbidden Forest, dragging a fistful of dead FERRETS by the tail.]

[A BIRD appears, circles his head playfully, CHIRP-CHIRP-CHIRPING merrily before it... flutters off, pin-wheeling past flowers, into a BIRDBATH, finally coming to rest upon... an ANCIENT TREE. It TWITTERS cheerfully, singing its lovely song, when -- THWOCK! -- a branch punts the bird into the air. As feathers fly, the WHOMPING WILLOW resumes its shape.]

"Poor birdie" Said Luna.

[Aurora walks down towards Hagrid's hut with her backpack and a small basket in her hand.]

"What are you doing, arise early in the morning?" Remus asked. "You are not a morning person."

"Exactly what I was about to say." Said Tonks.

Aurora: Morning Hagrid!

Hagrid: Very good mornin' Aurora.

Aurora: Where are my cute babies, Hagrid.

"What babies?" Asked Seamus.

"Yes. What kind of little beasties are you talking about?" Fred asked.

"Hopefully not blast ended skrewts." Added George.

Hagrid: [Chuckles] Right there. [Pointing towards the edge of the forest.] Someone's already down there to see them. I told her, you'd come with food for them.

Aurora: Oh!! Great. See ya, Hagrid.

[Aurora walks away towards the forest. A girl is standing near the forest, her back to Aurora as her silvery blond long hair waves in the morning.]

"I know that beautiful hair." Ginny grinned.

Aurora: Hello, there. I'm Aurora.

Luna: [In a dreamy voice.] Hello, Aurora. It's nice to meet you. I'm Luna Lovegood.

"Only other person who loves magical creatures like I do." Said Aurora.

Aurora: Nice to meet you too. Do you love magical creatures. [Aurora put away her backpack and opens the basket with pieces if lettuce and cabbage.]

"Is that your breakfast, Clarke? Is that what muggles usually eat?" Daphne scoffed.

"Mudblood." Walburga sneered.

"Mother!" Regulus sighed.

Luna: Yes. Especially the misunderstood ones. They are lonely. [Luna says as she stares at the tree line.] Cute creatures aren't they, Flobberworms.

"I'm sorry, you guys bonded over bunch of worms?" Harry asked in disbelief.

"Yes." Aurora snd Luna said in unison.

"And they are Flobberworms. Not buch of worms." Aurora defended her precious creatures.

"First it was hard to believe that you got up that early to feed Flobberworms." Remus uttered. "But then I remembered it's you."

Aurora: [Grinning.] They are. [Feeds the Cabbages and Lettuce to the Flobberworms. Notices Luna's plum shaped earrings.] Lovely earrings.

"Maybe you should get a pair too." Ernie McMillan joked.

"Actually, I have a pair." Aurora dug into her pocket and took a pair of Dirigible Plum shape earnings out. "Luna made me one."

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