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The carriage rumbled along the smooth, dusty road, light laughter from the men who handled the horses as they passed many houses, all belonging to noblemen of high status.

Jangmi sat silently within the coach, quietly admiring the brilliant artwork that had been etched onto it's surface, full of exquisite detail. Her luggage had been taken from her as soon as she had stepped upon the transport, hidden somewhere. It didn't contain much, a few garments and some ink and paper for the girl to write home.

She had watched hopelessly as her mother pulled her in for more hugs, although this time, no tears stained her cheeks. Haneul and Seomin's expressions were sombre, dark as they bid their one and only daughter farewell, praying desperately that she would survive the Emperor's monsterous acts.

Soon enough, the coach came to a gentle halt, and the Choi girl dared to lift her eyes a fraction upwards, catching a glimpse of a few men, awaiting her arrival.

The door was opened, and Jangmi stepped out, a footsman offering her his hand, softening at her trembling fingers. 

The Emperor, of course, was not there to greet his future wife's arrival. Instead, his dear friends who had persuaded for his marriage smiled at the entrance of Jangmi, whose eyes were still lowered to the ground.

"Jangmi!" It was a raven-haired man who was the first to speak. "It's wonderful to see you here. My, I haven't introduced myself. I am Kim Seokjin,"

The girl bowed, earning one in return as each of the men began to introduce themselves to her.

"Jung Hoseok," A man with a cheerful smile beamed.

"Kim Taehyung," The man with black curls and deep voice spoke. 

"I'm Park Jimin," The blond smirked. "Lovely to have you here,"

"Jeon Jungkook," A boy with a bunny-like smile with a muscular stance waved shyly.

"And I'm Kim Namjoon," Jangmi remembered him. The boy with the dragon eyes, and looked as though he knew all the things in the world.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," She said softly, her voice barely heard by the group. Yet, they didn't comment upon it. It was only natural that she was nervous, after all, it was Min Yoongi she was marrying.

Just then, a flurry of movement, revealing the guards and footsmen bowing indicated the arrival of the Emperor. 

He was not dressed as regally as he had been on the night of the ball, but he still looked as equally as handsome. His dark hair contrasted nicely with the silver ornamants that dangled off his ears. His hanbok was the colour of the night sky and the long scar that ran down his face brought a shiver to Jangmi's spine.

The man gave her a cold look, his eyes scanning her appearence, judging her almost for ruining his solo future.

"I thought you wouldn't come," He spoke, and she was slightly surprised at the calmness of his tone, but there was a hint of warning in the way he talked. "I thought you would run far away,"

Jangmi glanced at his face, holding eye contact with the Emperor. 

"Even if I tried," She swallowed the bile rising in her throat. She felt sick to the core. "Then you would have found me and have me killed,"

Yoongi hummed, quietly pulling out a dagger from beneath his cloak, and the Choi girl willed herself to not move.

If you move, you'll die.

"Yoongi, don't- " It was Jimin who had spoke, his flirty tone earlier had disappeared to something of worry. But with the raise of the Emperor's palm, the Park boy fell silent.

The metal slid across the girl's smooth skin, and she felt numb. If he killed her now, then all the better. 

As the weapon trailed across Jangmi's face, Yoongi observed her for any sort of reaction. But the girl did nothing before moving her lips.

"If you kill me now, then all I ask is that you send my body to my parents," 

"And if I don't follow your request?"

"Then you will not be seen as a human,"

Apart from a sharp intake of breath from Taehyung, not a single sound was heard from the courtyard.

The Emperor removed the dagger from her throat. "Speak out of turn once more and I will slash your throat,"

With those final words, Yoongi exited, leaving his advisors in place to take care of the girl who had done something that she herself would never have done.

"Well," Hoseok laughed, nervously. "Now that Jangmi's been, er, welcomed, why don't we show her the rooms?"

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