thirty six

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The Emperor had demanded that only his wife should tend to his wounds, despite her insisting that he be treated by the doctors within the palace. He had grabbed her hand and dragged her to his room, breathing heavily as he leaned back in his bed, the Empress grabbing the equipment to clean her husband's injuries.

"It must have been frightening," He said quietly, watching her clean the blood that dripped from his face. "To be alone in that cell, not knowing where you were, or what they were going to do to you,"

"It was," The Choi girl agreed. "But I had faith that you and the boys would rescue me. And Rayaan also gave me somewhat some hope,"


"He was one of the guards with the rebels," Jangmi explained, dabbing at the cuts with the cloth. "He was from a little more west from Korea, swept up in a trade that he didn't want to be part of. He wasn't like the others, although, I fear he may be dead,"

"Perhaps," Yoongi mumbled. "But he will be blessed for his kind actions towards you," The man pushed back a stray lock of hair, tucking it behind her ear as their eyes met, a spark between them growing as the seconds passed.

Through their conversations, they had grown closer, the Empress was practically on her husband's lap as she cleared his wounds. 

Jangmi's cheeks reddened as Yoongi's gaze remained solely upon her, his slender fingers tracing her arms, her neck, her cheek, stroking the bottom of her lip.

"Yoongi? What are you... what are you doing?" The girl froze as his hands snaked around her waist, bringing her form closer to him, his eyes hooded with pure adoration for the woman he was proud to call his wife.

"Memorising," He answered, retracting his hand from her cheek, and Jangmi realised how cold her face now felt without the warmth from his hands.

"I'm not... You don't want to - I," But instead of voicing her opinion on herself, the Choi girl attempted to draw herself away from the Emperor's hold on her.

But he was quicker than her, gently tilting her face back towards him, understanding her thought process. "Don't," He said, firmly. "You're beauty outmatches any woman in existence, and your intellect is beyond that of even the greatest scholars of the world,"

"Even Namjoon's?" A smile curved her lips.

"Even Namjoon's," Yoongi agreed.

His eyes flitted upon her lips, her cherry blossom lips, and out of pure nerve, her tongue swiped her upper and lower lip, anxious at his focused stare.

"Jangmi," He leaned closer, his warm breath fanning her face. "May I?"

The Empress was too much in a state of shock to speak, so instead, she gave a single nod, and shut her eyes as she felt the Emperor's lips claim hers.

Just like he was back at their wedding, the Min was gentle, his lips soft, nibbling the bottom of her lip, wanting more. His arms were around her in a protective manner, her hands around his neck, playing with his dark hair.

In that kiss was the sweetness of passion, a million thoughts of adoration condensed into a moment of worth a lifetime.


and kiss!

also, happy new year! may 2022 be blessed for all of us, and let it be a better year in as many ways as possible!

lots of love and hugs


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