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They had left Baeksu's store with a variety of new purchases, the stocks having been brought in, and Jangmi could not wait until she could get home and experiment with these paper crafts. Maybe she could even add a splotch of colour to the palace.

"Where are we going now?" She questioned as the group began walking a little distance away from the village, into a more rural area, reminding her of the countryside.

"We're going to the stables!" Hoseok beamed, practically skipping as he walked alongside her. "We do have our own stables within the palace, but we rotate the horses that we use for the soldiers, and when they're not in use, we keep them here, on this farm,"

"We pay the farmer plentiful to keep them on this area of land, and when we need them," Namjoon smiled. "We send a message over, and he'll send them over to us,"

"Do you have your own personal horses that you use?" The Choi asked, thankful for the hand that helped her over the fencing.

"We do," Taehyung's lips curled into an even greater smile as he saw the beloved creatures. "Look, let's go!"

Grabbing Jangmi's hand, he dragged her to the entrance of the stables, pushing open the doors, grinning widely as her eyes tried to take in the majestic beasts, all of whom stood proud, their chests puffed at being the loved animals of the palace.

"Hyun!" Jimin latched himself to a chestnut-coloured horse with a stripe down his forehead. The animal mewled with happiness at the sight of its friend, playfully nudging the Park, who whispered praises of affection and love into its ear.

Horses needed love too.

All around her, the boys were greeting their own horses, and Jangmi softened at how much the creatures were like their owners. Namjoon's horse was gentle as he fed it some sugar cubes. Jin's stood with pride, relaxing as the man rubbed his belly. Hoseok's horse was bounding with excitement whereas Taehyung and Jungkook's were playful with their masters.

"Does the Emperor have a horse?" She tilted her head curious at the thought. What would his horse be like?

"Yoongi's horse is very..." Jin hummed, trying to think of the right word. "Unpredictable,"

At the puzzled expression on the Empress' face, Jin chuckled. "What I mean to say is, his horse was a violent one. He doesn't just let anybody touch him or groom him, it has to be Yoongi who takes care of him. Once a week, Yoongi comes here to make sure he's alright,"

"We'll show you,"

Jungkook lead the way as they left the stables for all of their horses, entering a private shed. It was dark, musty and the moment a sliver of light settled in the room, a cry was heard.

It was as though Jangmi had seen an angel. Yoongi's horse was majestic, a glossy black coat shining in the light. It eyes were focused upon the newcomers, distasteful as they had interrupted his dinner.

"What's it called?" Her lips moved on their own. Oh, how she wanted to stroke his fur, but she knew better.

"Beongae," Namjoon answered. "Lightning,"

"The perfect name for a perfect horse," Jin added. "The amount of times he's saved all of us in battle, and Yoongi,"

"Wait, you mean to say, he's the legendary horse of the palace!" Jangmi's pupils dilated in realisation. "The one in all of the stories?"

"The very same," Hoseok beamed. "Beongae here has a lot of pride in that!"

"Is it true that he can run as fast as the wind? Or that he can jump further than any other?" Curiosity and excitement was building up inside the Choi girl. How lucky was the Emperor to have a horse that she had heard from the tales her grandmother would weave.

"Why don't you ask him, Jangmi?" Jungkook offered. "That way you can get to know him a little better too,"

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