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"Good morning!" Park Jimin chirped as he beamed from her doorway, Jangmi returning the smile as she tied her hair back with a ribbon. "I hope you slept well?"

"Very much so," She answered, taking a stand as she followed the blond through the winidng hallways, into the dining room for breakfast.

A variety of dishes were placed expertly on the table, ranging from her favourites and even foreign dishes that the girl knew she had to try. Only a couple of the boys were seated, some presumably still in bed.

"Jangmi, help yourself to anything you'd like, and if you want more, don't be hesitant to ask!"

Nodding and concealing a yawn, the Choi girl slid into her seat, Jimin and the other boys beginning to join her, all of them scooping the warm meals into their bowls. Conversation was light and easy, but the early morning food was eaten in relative peace.

Jangmi's eyes slid over the table, frowning at the absence of her soon-to-be husband, the seat at the head of the table was empty.

"Yoongi had some papers to sign," Namjoon informed her. "He should be finished within an hour or two,"

Jangmi hummed, without much response, relishing the taste of hot jook in her mouth. Who knew when she would be able to eat like this again?

"We'll give you a tour around the palace and then we'll leave you to do whatever you'd like to do, Jangmi," Hoseok smiled. "Is there anything in particular?"

Although there was a tone of hesitance within her voice, she found her lips moving automatically.

"Is there a library?"


Choi Jangmi could not describe the feeling of euphoria that spread through her veins as Taehyung and Jungkook pushed open the ornate doors to the library.

It was... stunning.

Tall walls filled with ancient volumes of records and dates decorated the interior, books and scrolls that could date back to the very beginning of the nation. Not only was it filled with books, but a small space had been cornered off for reading, soft pillows and rugs thrown for one to relax in front of the hearth.

The glass windows were wide, offering a magnificent view of the palace gardens that were home to spring flowers beginning to bloom.

Jangmi's mouth dropped as she spun, her eyes too small to intake the beauty of the room she was within.

"It's amazing isn't it?" Jin chuckled at her reaction. "Namjoon spends nearly all of his time here, too much to the point we're not able to call him for food!"

"Yoongi's rather proud of this place as well," Taehyung leaned back against a book case. "He comes in here when he's in a good mood,"

"He does?" Jangmi found it rather odd for the cruel Emperor to disappear into a room full of books and stories.

"He's not the worst person to be around when he's in a good mood," Namjoon smiled, softly. "He may act as though his temper is worse than a dragon, but, he's good, and will be good to you, Jangmi,"

The Choi girl eyed the portrait of the Emperor that was staring down on them all. Even in the painting he seemed so... ruthless.

"I hope so,"

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