twenty two

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The warming rays of the sun greeted the playful group of officials and royalties as they raced down the hills of the great field, belonging to the palace. 

Jungkook and Jimin were playing 'Cat and Mouse', teasingly attacking each other, their mouths upturned into carefree smiles. Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi were talking amongst one another, the younger Kim carrying the picnic basket, filled with delicious snacks and pastries that Jin had made himself.

Hoseok, Taehyung and Jangmi strolled through the luscious fields of green grass together, occasionally stopping when they found a beautiful flower, and the Choi girl and Hoseok made it their duty to pick them and place them in the youngest Kim's hair.

"Boys!" The eldest shouted, his voice barely reaching the Jeon and Park, who had crossed the other side of the shallow river, separating the side of the village and the woods. "Stay on this side! We've found the perfect spot!"

Indeed they had. A large oak tree was to be there spot for their picnic, having stood their for centuries, providing shade and comfort from the sun's blazing gaze. 

The Empress took the picnic blanket and spread it over the soft grass, assisting Namjoon and Jin in setting the nourishments up.


The food had been delicious, so warming and pleasant to everyone's stomach, and whilst Jangmi had played for hours alongside the boys, she knew that if she jumped or laughed once more, then her stomach would combust, a sight she did not really want to see.

So the girl took a seat, leaning back against the oak tree, her eyes landing upon her husband. The Emperor had joined the boys in their mischevious antics, much to her surprise, but he had taken a seat to relax. 

Yoongi, of course, was not oblivious to his wife's curious stare, and whilst he was slightly irritated by the penetrating gaze, he sort of liked it.

"I can feel your eyes on me," He tilted his head, lazily, his onyx eyes scanning her. 

"I-I wasn't... no, I - I was not staring at you," A flush crawled up the Choi's cheeks, taunting her for her lie.

"That was a terrible lie,"

Jangmi sighed. "I apologise, I was just... zoning out,"

The Emperor said nothing as his wife's gaze flitted away from him and upon the boys, but when he too turned away, a smile graced his lips.

She was growing on him.

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