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The lights that had once decorated the palace had been stripped away, leaving the home in it's traditional glory. There were guards surrounding the gates and the entrances to certain halls and handmaidens eyed the girl curiously, pitiful glances as she walked past.

"We'll give you a tour within a few days, but first," Jin smiled. "Your chambers,"

The man pushed open a wooden door, revealing a large, airy room. A window allowed natural light to dance within the space and the bed was adorned in white sheets. A cupboard full of new clothes decorated the racks.

It was wonderful.

"I'll be staying here?" She mumbled, in awe as her fingers glided across the soft sheets.

"That door over there leads to the bathroom, and there are already the basic necessities within it. If you require anything else, Jangmi, please don't be hesitant to ask. And as for your room, well, we thought if you might like to give it a splash of colour... but that's really for you to decide. I hope this is to your satisfaction?"

"Of course it is!" Jangmi bowed. "It's far more than what I could ever ask for,"

"Now, your room is opposite to Taehyung's so if ever you need help, then don't be afraid to ask him. He does look a little frightening, but really, he's just a big teddy bear,"

"What about the Emperor?" Jangmi's voice trailed off as Jin raised an eyebrow. "Are we not going to- "

"Share a room? Would you like to, Jangmi?"

The Kim chuckled at her rosy cheeks, his laughter reminding the girl of someone cleaning the windows. 

"Yoongi," Jin paused. "Doesn't like having to adjust. He's a particular type, Jangmi, but trust me, he'll come around soon. He's not as bad as you may think,"

"He threatened to slash my throat," The Choi girl whispered. 

"Well - yes, but," Jin shook his head. "That boy. I don't know what to do with him. Speaking of the devil, he did ask for me to send you to talk to him. I really need to be getting to Namjoon. Taehyung!"

Within a few seconds, the curly, black-haired man appeared at the doorway of her chambers, a boxy smile on his lips, waving. "You needed me?"

"Can you show Jangmi to Yoongi's room? He wants to speak to her?"

"Sure, catch you later. Come on, Jangmi,"

Waving towards Jin, Jangmi followed Taehyung into a series of hallways, and she noticed that the walls were bare, dark colours painted onto the wall, weapons hanging as antique items.

"Jangmi," Taehyung suddenly said. "Yoongi's not as terrifying as you might believe him to be. Yes, he's done things that are cruel and merciless, but he's also a good person, and he wouldn't harm you, Jangmi, just empty threats. If you found that scary, you should hear the things he says to us!"

"I hope what you say is right, Taehyung," The female answered. "But for now, I need to see it to believe it,"

The pair continued to make small talk until they finally halted at the Emperor's door. Taehyung rapped his knuckles onto the door, indicating their arrival.

It opened by a fraction, a small beam of light stretching in as the voice of the Emperor called. "Send her in,"

Taehyung rolled his eyes before winking at the Choi girl. 

"You'll be fine, but good luck anyways!"

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