twenty one

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"What should we do today?" Jimin chirped, leaning back in his seat. "There is to be no rain, and we all have a free schedule,"

"We could go on a picnic," Jangmi suggested, her doe eyes flitting to each face in the room, hopeful for the approval. "Like you said, there's no rain and the flowers are in full bloom. It would be beautiful, don't you think?"

"Ooh, yes!" Jungkook clapped his hands, approval in his tone. "We haven't gone on a picnic in a long time!"

"We could play and eat and play and eat even more!" Taehyung nodded, his soft black curls bouncing as he moved his head. "Let's do it!"

The decision now rested upon the older boys, all of whom glanced at each other, expressions passive.

"As long as the four of you invite Yoongi along, personally," Namjoon smirked at the fallen faces of the maknae lines plus Jangmi. "Then we'll go,"

"But that's impossible!" The blond whined. "It's always hard to get Yoongi to join us. In fact, it takes two to three business days to get him to agree to anything. How are we to convince him within a few minutes?"

"That's the fun part!" Hoseok beamed. "Have fun!"


"Oh, come on Yoongi," Taehyung pouted as him, Jungkook, Jimin and the Choi girl tried desperately to convince the Emperor to join them on their picnic. "It'll be amusing, and we haven't done something like this in a long time!"

"Yeah Yoongi," The youngest tried his own puppy eyes upon the monarch, who remained emotionless. "The last time we did this, we were preparing for a battle,"

"I don't want to go outside," The Emperor muttered. "It's cold,"

"The sun is shining on us all!" Jimin pointed out, his finger directed towards the window that had its blinds opened for once.

"Please," The Empresses' voice was soft, barely audible as she spoke to her husband. "It'll be a good time with us all,"

Yoongi's dark eyes focused on his wife, her lavender hanbok complimeting her smooth, creamy skin. Her hair had been gathered into a bun, and she smelt of vanilla. 

"Fine," He mumbled, glancing down, oblivious to the maknae line's smirks and victorious glances. "As long as I can just sit there,"

"Of course, Your Majesty,"

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