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The wedding was to take place in less than half an hour.

The guests were very few in attendance, the boys, a few officials as well as Jangmi's parents who were sadly staring at their daughter who was to be wed.

The Emperor would obviously be there - he couldn't really abandon his wedding.

"You look lovely m'dear," Choi Somin offered his child a sombre smile, pressing a light kiss to her forehead, a sign that he was now giving her away. "Like a princess,"

Indeeed Jangmi did look lovely, breathtaking to be honest. She was dressed in a pale pink and lilac hanbok, flowers braided within her hair, and her lips were the colour of fresh blossoms, an innocent sparkle in her eyes. Her feet were graced with white shoes, small embellishments stitched within.

She looked like a bride.

"You're going to be okay, Jangmi-ah," Haneul whispered, as though she was trying to reassure both her daughter and herself. "You'll be okay,"

"I hope so," Jangmi finally released the breath that she had been holding. 

Suddenly, an attendant came bursting in. "Are you ready?"

Making eye contact with her parents, who gave her gentle nods, the girl answered.

"I'm ready,"


"You look gorgeous!" Jin and Hoseok gasped as they caught sight of the bride, approaching the doors which would lead her into the room where the Emperor was waiting for her. "If it wasn't Yoongi, I'd whisk you away myself!"

"Jin," Namjoon rolled his eyes. "That's betraying the Emperor,"

"Just kidding," The older boy grinned. "But Yoongi's going to get a shock when he sees you,"

"Wait!" Jungkook cried, and the attendants paused where they were going to open the door. The Jeon boy's nimble fingers placed something within Jangmi's hair, and she softened when she realised what it was.


"Why not?" The boy shrugged, receiving a huge smile from the Choi girl in return.

"We need to get going," Namjoon mumbled. "Jangmi, are you ready?"


"Let the wedding begin,"

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