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Upon my arrival at the house, we held another meeting. The 3D holograms of my team were scattered all around the living room. I confirmed to them that I had located the subject named Iris. Initially, I was feeling nervous about my first encounter with her. However, I had already marked her arms, which indicated that the technology had begun to work.

The next step was to bring Iris to this house, where we would extract something from inside her body. The mark I gave her would sequence her D.N.A., removing only the matched ones. My other team would also extract vital substances from her.

We will complete the extraction process step-by-step, meaning Iris must stay here for a while. Once we have extracted all the information we need from inside her body, we will erase all her retrograde memories related to us. The mission will only end after we achieve our goal.

When we return to our world, we will submit all the data gathered to our geneticist. The truth is, this geneticist thing is new to us. Our government didn't like the idea of this mission in the first place. Still, a powerful individual, Xyle-ver, who supported the project, approved it. They only kept it confidential from the public to avoid creating chaos.

After the hybrid is born, our geneticists will place them in a secret remote part of our planet. Both boys and girls shall live there, and when they all grow up together and become adults, the expansion of their population will begin.

This mission will significantly impact my life because it's a big deal in our world. Being a part of it will make me a hero in Xyleveria. If we succeed, I will achieve the life I've wanted since I was a young child. I've always aspired to be everyone's favorite person, especially the League of Teachers, my group.


"Erier, the dumbass." As a kid, I always heard those words as a laughingstock among my peers. That failure suited me well because I had no dreams.

I was part of the best group of students in the history of Emeria's mini-city. It was a school and residence where young Xylevers would live and learn simultaneously until they were ready to be good citizens of Xyleveria. The design of these schools was a mini-version of our actual cities, and every city in our world had one.

I still remember how arrogant, superior, and egotistical my classmates were, and their attitude affected me. There was a strong sense of competition, and I always found myself at the bottom of the rankings. My teachers often criticized me, saying I was best suited for the lowest part of our society. And those societies were the workers.

Our social structure was based on different careers; workers were not considered careers. It was more like being a slave because they followed orders from the higher groups: scientists, engineers, politicians, astronomers, and the defense forces. The teachers were second in rank and special.

This oppression molded me into who I am today: determined and stubborn. I always remind myself that I will do everything to prevent such failures in the future. When I became an adult, I devised many plans to prove to my classmates that I could surpass them. I cheated on the exam to become a teacher. Although the details were complicated, it all paid off because I got the position. It was a slap in the face for all the Xylevers who derided me. However, I soon realized that becoming a teacher did not change anything. The insults and mockeries continued.

"What do you think you are doing, Erier? You are an insult to our congregation." I remember when our headmaster teacher got furious. "You almost killed your student."

I organized a field trip outside the barrier of the mini-city with my students without informing the school. Except for wild animals and plants that have adapted to our planet's hostile climate, every city in our world has a wall to shield us from the harsh environment that is not conducive to human habitation. I decided to expose my students to the real world outside the barrier rather than just relying on 3D simulations, even though the school wouldn't approve of it. Unfortunately, this decision endangered my students' lives as a powerful storm caught us outside the barrier. A large pack of wild animals was migrating towards us while our school vehicle got stuck in the middle of the wild forest. I did my best to call for help, and fortunately, rescuers arrived just in time to save us. Despite my students' support, the headmaster still suspended me, which affected my job.

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