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I stared at Alta's face as she lay curled in my arms. We got married last week, and Gaeia made it possible for both of us. I could not believe that we were now husband and wife.

My eyes darted towards her bulging tummy like a balloon stuck to her body. She was pregnant now, and according to my ongoing research to educate myself, symptoms were manifesting in her that indicated she was on her due date. This was my first time witnessing a pregnant Xyle-ver because, in Xyleveria, our government hides them from the public eye and keeps them in a facility made for them.

Excitement was rushing inside my system, and I had never felt it this way before, thinking about the next chapter of our lives. After Alta delivered her baby, we were both parents, taking our first step toward our mission.

"Marinagua told me that once you give birth to this baby, you will be a father, while I will be a mother," Alta said, holding both of my hands on her bulging belly.

She also told us that the process of delivering a baby was no different from that of us humans or any alien race, which wasn't a surprise at all, considering our DNA was eighty percent compatible with humans. However, it was still a mystery to me.

"I'm always anxious, Alta, but I think it will be fun," I murmured, touching her flapping ear. Our ears were huge. "Gaeia advised me to take care of this baby. It is our responsibility now. Avara and the team have arrived here in the Earth's solar system. They already have everything we need, which will help us raise that thing."

"Don't call him a thing; he is our son now. And that's what they call it here," Alta protested.

I let her go and went to her front. I kneeled and faced her belly, putting my cheeks closer to it, making my eyes widen. I felt the baby kicking inside her tummy.

After waiting for many hours, the team finally arrived. I greeted them on our teleporter in the basement. All of them were there except Captain Zegyr, and I suddenly missed him. All the equipment and gadgets we needed were teleported to us. We all gathered in the living room, carrying everything. The team also brought a supply of Everian fluid that could last up to twenty years on Earth.

Avara told me that she had to beg hard at Xyleveria's nursing facility to request those gadgets, and they rarely granted her any access to information. Even though she was one of the highest-ranking officials in our world, these requests became challenging after the incident with Chieftain Basar. Every facility in our world had strict rules regarding security, and everyone suspected her of her plea for access. The team cooperated with us to keep our mission secret. Our government doesn't know what is happening to us here on Earth.

"How do you feel right now, Alta?" Mamir asked her.

I could see the hint of amazement on his face while staring at Alta's baby bump. Captain Okron stood almost a minute without saying a word while Avara kneeled beside Alta and caressed her belly.

"I have never been this excited in my whole life, even Erier," Alta said.

A white, glowing orb-like light popped out from the dining area, which got all our attention. A sphere made of a 3D hologram emanated from the top of a circular pedestal. It expanded into a hollow, transparent ball.

"There you go! Your portal is all set!" Sok exclaimed. "You can talk to us more often here."

Alta and I exchanged glances at each other.

A knock on the door interrupted us, and I wondered who would visit us at this time of day. I rushed to it and opened it. As much as possible, Alta and I must lessen our use of too many gadgets in our chosen home and exert physical effort, just like humans often do.

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