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I never gave up. I ordered the car to bolt much faster. I raised the ring on my finger and talked to Marinagua.

"Marinagua, bad news. They caught Iris again." The ring glowed and emitted a light that turned into a 3D hologram of Marinagua's face.

"Save her, Erier; you must let those enemies get closer to the water. We cannot help you if you're too far from the sea."

Damn! I never thought of it. She was right. I'm way too far from the sea. I took a deep breath. The help from the Alien Convention will take time. They still had a meeting. It's up to me now. I will handle this alone, whatever it takes. I had to rescue Iris from them and take her near the water. If I find the group alongside her, I will save them too.

"I'll talk to you later when I get to the beachfront," I said.

"Okay, I'll take care of..."

A loud boom surprised me on the right side of the highway, and Marinagua was gone from the line. From afar, I saw one of the monsters jutting out of the SUV window while holding a weapon that still glowed with smoke coming out of the muzzle. I could see it very clearly in the dark of the night. The side of the highway was blazing from the explosion. It's good that Aston Martin knew how to avoid it.

Flashes of light were hurled repeatedly as rains of laser beams bolted in my direction while the car dodged the hit. I almost got dizzy from moving from left to right to avoid the explosions. I couldn't even talk to Marinagua either. I tapped my right arm. If I could get closer to them, I could shoot them with a laser beam.

They shot another laser beam toward me. I poked my arms out the car window and activated my force field. I deflected the shot, and the booming sound enveloped us. Then an idea popped into my mind. Could this car undergo an invisible mode? Then I needed to try.

I passed a detour on the left side of the highway and ordered the car to turn there. Then I told the Aston Martin to turn itself invisible when it stopped at the crossroads a few meters away from the main road. I wanted to know if it worked. I grabbed the car door handle and decided to get out, but an SUV stopped near the crossing, a meter away from us. I was surprised that they had come back to find me. I wanted to know if the invisible mode had already worked. I waited for them to come closer.

I watched Crey's troop walk down the road, and they were all in their human form. One of them got closer to my direction while its head kept turning, searching, and my heart skipped a beat from the tension. I held my breath when they all turned their heads toward me, but I inhaled deeply when they turned their backs and walked away. The invisible mode had worked, and now I could follow them easily.

The four Alpha-Draconian-turned-humans returned to their SUV and hurriedly left the highway. I ordered the car to follow them and noticed they ran slowly and smoothly. This gave me a chance to trail them until they reached their destination. I knew they had already detected my energy source, so I did my best to lower its level. This would create the illusion that I was miles away from them.

The four SUVs entered the woods, which had always been a favorite spot for their hideout. When we got deeper and arrived at the center, there was a large bungalow. Coconut trees adorned the premise's sprawling lawn. If you look closer, it was just an ordinary human house.

The four SUVs made a final stop on the lawn, and I loved their choice regarding the style of houses. How did they find this place? Did they abduct the humans who had resided here and kill them? They dragged more human beings in here, and I hoped the Alien Convention would act as soon as possible. I must protect Iris because she is special to me now.

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