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"Where is Albert?" I exclaimed. "Where is my family?" My voice was hoarse yet persistent. I had learned to set aside my fear and never care about those red-blooded eyes. I had to become accustomed to it and face my reality.

"Let's just say...I had a use for them," the animal grinned. He walked around me. "For my plans, subject zero."

"I am not subject zero!" I glared at him. "My name is Iris."

"Oh! I should've told you before. The reason why I need you."

I stared at him, and my forehead creased. I swallowed a lump in my throat. "What is it? Tell me?"

"You have a fucking mark on your back." My eyes widened.

Then I remembered the itchy tingling on my back. All along, it was a mark. "What are you talking about?" Then I needed clarification.

"We've already met a hundred times. Yet I wiped off your memories repeatedly," he said, facing me with his hands inside his pockets. I took a step backward. "You were the first subject for my mission. The hybrid projects And you are my subject zero. The mother of a new race. Don't you like it? You will be a queen someday."

He could have just said he would put me in an experiment like a lab rat. And a queen someday? That was the stupidest thing I had ever heard. My body began to shiver as I stared at my two shaking hands.

"But your reign won't last because, in the end, I will kill you, subject zero." I glanced at his face and closed my eyes as tears trickled. I couldn't stop shaking from fear. Crey's face warped into a monster and moved much closer to mine. His voice became demonic again. I looked in a different direction, yet I could still feel the horrors inches away from me. "There are still a lot of female humans that can be good candidates. Your two friends, Miranda and May...why not?"

And now he's even dragged my two friends into it.

I shrugged my shoulders in disgust, then found the courage to look at Crey's face. "You're a monster!" But I broke down crying. "You will never succeed!"

"Tsk tsk tsk! This is the only purpose you have, human. But I will kill your scumbag friend, Hector, first. Did you know? That bastard and I had the same goal for you."

My knees trembled as weakness devoured every inch of my being. Was this the reason Hector became close to me? It was clear to me now. These two guys came into my life to cause my demise and the destruction of humanity. Why did they choose me out of all the people in this world?

I now fear Hector and even the animal in front of me. Do the Nommos know about this? They swore to protect us, but what does that mean? I'm getting confused because I need to figure out whom to trust.

I was about to attack Crey when I yelled in front of his face that he could never get what he wanted from me. However, the floor under my feet parted in two. I screamed so loudly and fell onto another floor into a basement. My hip landed first, and I winced in pain.

I screamed and screamed, then ended up wailing about my unfortunate fate. I think I have broken bones now. I could feel it in every part of my body, except the pain turned absent because of mixed emotions. It became my anesthesia.

Darkness crept in first, then a bright incandescent light, as the open ceiling above me moved back together and closed. I was in a circular room with no furniture except small circles protruding from the concrete floor. Half the wall in front of me was glass, while concrete was behind my back. Dim light was above me, darkness was on the other side of the glass wall where I could see my reflection, and I looked haggard.

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