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After the trial, the authority permitted us to return to our daily lives.

I heard that the trial was confidential, and the citizens of our world had no idea that we had arrived and the mission had failed. There was a news blackout. We underwent a briefing that instructed us to return to our home city without mentioning what happened during our mission.

Our government released a wanted list of available hybrids existing on our planet after Chief Basar's trial, which shocked the world. As citizens, we considered this a myth, like stories told to kids. We knew our history, where an alien race had once tried to conquer us. Still, we had yet to learn it was the Alpha-Draconians because their name was absent from our history knowledge.

Our authority had been hiding the truth to prevent fear that might affect our daily lives, but you can't keep a secret forever. And now, the whole world knows about the Hermit cities, and more significant consequences await the mistake they made. On the other side, at least it was the best idea. The citizens became aware of the hybrids; thus, the pursuit became effortless. Yet still, the downside was that every citizen started not trusting each other. And since having a family doesn't exist in our world, everyone was suspicious of one another, except the six of us from the mission, because we all knew what happened out there.

Upon returning to my daily life, my team and I first went to Merila, Captain Zegyr's hometown. The female chieftain declared him a hero, and that day's ambiance became very emotional for me. Deep inside, I will miss Captain Zegyr because he has become my father figure since I learned that word on Earth.

And then we all went back home.

When we all came back, our lives changed in an instant. The rest of the five teams became high-ranking officials in their fields.

Avara became one of the head engineers on our central base. She was one of the groups of scientists, experts, and astronomers who planned to invent a faux pattern outside our solar system. This technology might protect us from future invasions by other alien races. And at the back of my mind, I wondered, Should those things still be necessary? When I learned about the existence of the Alien Convention on Earth, I realized that this kind of burden was unlikely to happen anymore. We must only cooperate with them.

But our leaders were strong about what they were fighting for, and our world wouldn't cooperate with the organization. I remembered what Gaeia had told me—that they respected our decision. And I realized that in a socialist technocracy form of government like ours, pride would always be a sacred thing.

Captain Okron and Mamir have received promotions to our space and defense ministries. At the same time, Alta and Sok have become members of elite science groups. They are the cream of the crop and the authority of our scientific community since scientists make up a large part of our population. We value our inventions and cherish them for the betterment of our lives.

Chieftain Arim wanted to give me a position in his seat of government, but I declined it. I still wanted to be a teacher. Whenever I think about my experiences as a teacher once on Earth, I realize that my heart will always belong to it. After the mission, I discovered the worth of my chosen profession. Before, I chose this career to prove myself to those Xyle-vers who belittled me. But now I feel a sense of fulfillment. I wanted to teach my students about the essence of self-love because one of the values I learned from Earth is that we must love ourselves too.

When I saw the vicinity of the mini-city from above, I beamed from ear to ear. It was a bittersweet success filled with longing. A group from our defense ministry escorted me back. And as soon as the ship's massive door opened, my eyes almost popped out from the overwhelming crowd that greeted me as I glanced once again at the expanse of the campus.

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