Chapter 28

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Six years ago(Flashback)

Paula and her family went to Italy to one of her family’s vineyards, the day after Rafael and she started dating. Her tyrant of a father had insisted that the twins should start learning about the family business during their summer break since they were the inheritors of the family’s wine business.

Her brother was ecstatic about their trip to Italy and she knew that he was only excited about the idea of getting drunk on the pretence of wine tasting.

Paula didn’t want to go. She had just started dating Rafael and wanted to spend a lot of time with him. They had not even gone on a single date and now she was leaving for Italy and didn’t know when she would be back.

She didn’t even want to inherit the wine business but she knew better than to offend her father.

Being a chef was one of her dreams. She wanted to own chains of restaurants all over Spain and cook good food for people just like Hazel. But she kept her dreams to herself knowing that her parents would be horrified about her choice of career and then make sure she never fulfil her dream. So it became a secret idea she fantasised on her own.

They left for Italy early in the morning and she was depressed because she didn’t get to say her farewells to Hazel and Rafael. Her new boyfriend later texted her when she was on the plane, telling her to enjoy her trip and that he was going to miss her.

Rafael’s text brought a smile to her face and lifted her spirits. It was her second visit to the vineyards. The first time she went there, it was for vacation. They had a mansion at the vineyards.

Every morning they accompanied their father to the vineyards and the factory. Her father was determined to teach them all about the business. His zeal and eagerness made Paula wonder if he was suffering from a fatal disease and was on the verge of dying and wanted to pass down his business knowledge before death claim him.

They returned to the mansion late afternoon every day, tired, stinking and hungry. After a hot meal and a shower, Paula would lock herself in her room, texting Rafael.

At night, after dinner, that’s when he would be free to call her. They would talk about random things like her favourite things, dreams, his silly stunts as a child in his hometown. The pattern continued for the two weeks she stayed at the vineyard. The two of them would talk every night on the phone until they both fell asleep.

The other night they talked till morning because the next day was a weekend and they both had a chance to sleep in.

The day she returned home, she rushed to the cottage after dropping her bags in her room. She knocked on the door and tapped her foot anxiously waiting for the approaching footsteps echoing inside the cottage. She couldn’t wait to see his face.

The door opened to reveal Rafael. Her heart leapt to see him. A bright smile lit his face.

“Paula!,” he said in a voice mixed with excitement and disbelief.

Her lips curled into a smile. She had not informed him of her return because she wanted it to be a surprise.

She had missed him so much. She stepped forward wanting to throw her arms around his neck and kiss him deeply but she froze in her steps when she saw Hazel appearing behind Rafael with a broad smile etched on her face.

She was suddenly enveloped into a near bone crushing hug by the older woman. Paula hugged her back smiling. She had also missed Hazel.

“I have missed you a lot, Paula. This place is not the same without you. How was your trip to Italy?,” Hazel asked her.

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