Bonus Chapter

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A big fan of Paula and Rafael requested this chapter and l couldn't resist.

Rafael gave a weary sigh for the umpteenth time and laid down the file he was holding. For a full hour he'd been holding that proposal staring at it but not seeing it.

Paula filled his thoughts. He'd finally realised he was in love with her.

Scratch that!

In fact he never stopped loving her!

He ran frustrated fingers through his dark hair and groaned aloud. Falling for her again was a big mistake. His poor heart couldn't take another heartbreak again.

It will surely ruin him!

Being involved physically with him was enough. After all she was hard to resist.

But involving his heart again!


The intercom buzzed drawing him out of his unpleasant thoughts.

"I told you Franco that l don't want to be disturbed," he barked into the intercom, frustrated with the interruption.

"There is a lady here by the name Sofia Solano and she is insisting on seeing you. She said she is your future mother in-law," Franco nervously spoke up.

Rafael gave out a bitter laugh. Six years ago if someone had told him that Sofia Solano would refer to him as his future son in-law he would have dropped down laughing.

For weeks he had managed to avoid the nasty woman and now she was here. He was too pissed off to deal with her.

Sofia never had anything pleasant to say to him. Even now she stared down at him like he was some dirt under her expensive shoe. The only difference now was that she no longer had money of her own. She now depended on him for her survival.


"Sent her away. I am busy," Rafael told his secretary and there was a hesitant silence from the other end.

"Si," Franco finally answered but there was a yelp from him.

"Ma'am,you can't do that!," he heard his secretary cry out in shock.

"Rafael, you better let me up there or else l will scream down this whole building. You wouldn't want me to cause a scene would you?," Sofia's angry voice streamed through.

She had snatched the intercom from his secretary. The audacity of the damn woman. Rafael's nostrils flared in anger. This was not the Solano mansion where she bossed everyone and mistreated them. This was his damn company!

And he was going to give her a piece of his mind for the way she treated him six years ago.

After all a confrontation between them was inevitable. It was bound to happen sooner or later!

"Franco let her up," Rafael said,knowing his secretary was hovering nearby.

"Si Senhor."

Five minutes later, his office door burst open and Sofia Solano strolled in. Rafael felt a flicker of annoyance. She didn't even bother with a knock.

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