Chapter 8

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Six years ago (Flashback)

He remained silent for a while as he continued his task. His silence further infuriated her. Paula opened her mouth about to hurl an insult at him but he beat her to it.

"I am cleaning your car miss ," he calmly responded.

Paula was shocked and angry at his use of formality. Rafael felt exhilarated watching her discomfort.

Serves her right for slapping him the other day!

"Call me Paula," she told him clearly annoyed.

"Si," he said as he gave her a mock salute.

"Who told you to clean my car?"

Rafael fought the urge to grip her slender arms and shook some common sense in her. Was she that dumb that she couldn't tell he was their latest errand boy or she only wanted to drove him mad with her silly questions. He bit back a sharp retort he was about to hurl at her when he recalled the old man's earlier warning.

"Steer clear from my daughter, young boy or you will find yourself in deep shit!" the old man had warned him with a sickening smile on his bloody face.

And he intended to do just that. So he tore away his dark gaze from her face and hung down his head just as is expected from any employee standing mere inches from his employer's daughter.

"Senhor Pedro hired me to do work around the house. This morning, I was instructed to wash your car," Rafael said in a strained voice.

Paula slowly nodded in understanding as she gave him an assessing glance from head to toes. He was wearing a khaki short which by its faded look had clearly seen better days. A white T-shirt clung to his body tightly like a second skin displaying his taunt muscles. His jet-black hair which usually lied across his forehead was now tied back with a black bandana.

She tore away her gaze from him as heat gathered in her cheeks. She was embarrassed by herself for gawking at him like that.

"Umm l want it done in.... ten minutes," she stuttered as she consulted her watch.

"Yes miss."

"Paula ," she corrected him again.

Rafael stopped what he was doing and subjected her to his dark intense gaze.

"I can't be on first name basis with you. l am only an employee."

Paula swallowed hard trying to keep rein of her anger. This guy always managed to bring out her ugly side and by the glint in his dark eyes , she could tell he was amused by tormenting her.

Paula itched to slap off that smirk on his bloody face. But instead, she held up her head high and let her eyes bore into his dark ones.

"My father is your employer not me. So l don't see any reason for formality between us . Besides we are almost the same age."

His lips trembled on the brink of a smile which horrified her.

"I can't take that risk, Miss Solano. I wouldn't want to be falsely accused of waging my low class tail around the princess of the Solano mansion ," he chuckled as his dark gaze raked all over her body suggestively.

What a pervert! , Paula thought angrily as she felt a blush going across her cheeks.

"I am sure you wouldn't like the idea of being suspected of having an illicit relationship with a country boy like me," he chuckled again.

She clenched her fists as she curbed her anger. She searched her mind for sharp retort to wipe off that smile dancing in his eyes. Finding none, she turned on her heel angrily about to leave but was stopped by his deep rich voice.

"I bought Aunt Hazel exactly the same cake to compensate for the one l supposedly ruined."

Paula whirled around to face him with her face drawn in shock. Rafael watched with fascination as her shock transformed to fury. Her eyes sparkled like jewels as they flashed in fury. Rafael had never seen anyone who looked damn beautiful when angry. His gaze rested on her bosom which was heaving up and down as she tried to calm her anger but in vain. He raised his eyes back to her face momentarily feeling guilty for being attracted to that feminine part of hers for a moment.

"In case you were wondering, Miss Solano. I didn't take the credit. I told my aunt that the cake was from you."

Paula forced a smile on her face. She thought her face would crack under the intensity of trying to hold her smile in place. She wasn't about to give him the satisfaction of seeing her pissed off.

"I don't recall ever asking you for that favour," she said in a sour voice which caused a smirk to creep on his face.

"And l don't recall ever asking for a slap, Miss Solano."

The fake smile on her face crumbled immediately. She glared at him with eyes burning in rage.

"Oh l see! That's why you have been trying to get under my skin. It's because l slapped you the other day and your male ego was bruised. Is that it?," she hissed at him.

Rafael cocked one eyebrow at her feigning innocence.

"You are mistaken, Miss Solano. I wouldn't dare."

Paula raked a hand wearily through her dark hair before subjecting him to one of her icy stares.

"I admit l was at fault for slapping you," her voice trailed off as she cast him a toothy grin.

"But you see, l have never apologised to anyone in my life and l don't intend to start now. So how much do you want so that you can stop bothering me with that unfortunate incident," she continued in an acid voice.

His jaw clenched in anger. In two powerful strides , he crossed the distance between them. He stood towering over her as his dark eyes gleaming with anger glared into hers . He was mere inches from her that she could smell the cheap soap he had used that morning.

Rafael grabbed her slender arms fuming with rage and shook her petite figure.

"Do l look like a freaking beggar to you!," he demanded in a bellowing voice causing her to flinch.

Paula's eyes widened in panic at the murderous look in his dark eyes. She tried to squirm out of his suffocating hold but it only grew worse.

"Let go of me, you bastard! ," she cried at him in panic as she threw feeble punches against his solid chest.

A mocking laughter rumbled from his throat.

"Damn right ! I am a bastard. I have been reminded of this every single miserable day. So what? Uhh?," he demanded again.

A lone tear spilled on her cheek. Rafael released her swearing under his breath. He racked a hand through his mid night hair before staring at her with anguish on his face.

"Shit! Forgive me Miss Solano. I swear that l have never been this violent with a woman before. I tend to react badly if people refer to the circumstances of my birth. Not that it excuses any of my behavior ."

Paula quickly dashed away the tear on her face mortified. She took a step back from him rubbing her sore arms whilst glaring at him. She now officially hated Rafael Ramirez from that moment. He was one rude, arrogant and egoistical bastard.

"I will have you fired for this!," she snarled at him .

Her ponytail waged from one side to another as she angrily strode into the house. Rafael clasped his head between his hands muttering to himself.

Shit! I am in trouble.

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