Chapter 24 The prince, princess and dragon (1)

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One year has passed after the Workshop incident.

It became one of the biggest incidents that happened inside the Tower. In the last 1000 years.

Nobody knows what is the cause of this incident, except for hand few people.

But what did really happened after Evol left the floor, though?

To put it simply, it was a disaster. 

After Evol left the floor, the floor administrator came out from its domain and started going on a rampage on the floor. After Evol put a hole in its domain, the test administrator was furious would be an understatement. 

The test administrator starts a rampage on the floor because many regulars have been killed, and the rampaging administrator has destroyed more than 60% of the floor.

The only reason that the test administrator even stopped is that one of the heads of the ten great families,  Po Bidau Gustang, was there and made a deal with the administrator, saying that he and his people would hunt down the person who caused this and bring him into justice. 

 Just like that, Gustang could stop the incident before it could go any further, stopping the administrator from transforming the floor into the second floor of death. 

But since then, one year has passed, and the person who causes all the problems, Evolto, is in totally doesn't care about what he just caused back on the workshop floor. Right now, he only has one goal.

Get into the hell train, find Hoaquin, convince him to join his team, and climb toward the top.

Of course, he also wants to learn the weakness of the Arie swordsmanship and with White on the team, not only he can learn from it, but it will also help Mira to improve her swordsmanship, and considering the relationship between Hoaquin and Mira, there is no way he would refuse to join us.

Both Evol and Mira are currently sitting opposite each other on the train, going toward the hell train station on the 35th floor.

Both of them have already had the train tickets required for boarding the train, and their goal right now is to get on the train as fast as possible.

Mira is looking out of the window, deep in thought, and Evol has no idea what Mira is thinking right now. Evol, on the other hand, is planning what to do when they arrive at the station. He knows when they arrive; the train will not go until the next day, so many people would go after their ticket, which, is at best, nothing more than a nuisance.

So that is why they decide to board the train early.

Evol appearance has also changed. After all, he did cause the incident on the workshop floor, and there is no way people would not recognise his face, so that is why he changed his appearance.

His hair is now black with a short length, choppy black hair with side bangs that reach his chin and turn white at the tips. He now wears a grey overcoat. He wears a black long-sleeved shirt accessorised with nearly obscured grey suspenders and a white necktie, with grey trousers and black shoes.

A/n: In other words, it's Akutagawa appearance from the beast manga.

He also needs to change the function of his transformation bracelet by getting the riddle of the music; after all, that is probably one of the most stands out thing about, which really annoy him because he did spend a lot of time modifying his bracelet.

As for Mira, not many people seem to recognise her, so that is why her appearance stays the same.

Sitting in silence, both Evol and Mira is lost in thought, thinking about their own thing. There are also other regulars on the cart that they are in, but they don't really care, any one of them. The cart is full-on silence, with the occasional chat between other regulars.

The sound broke the silence of a door opening. Walking out from the door is a man with short red hair, wearing a purple t-shirt with brown trousers, and on his waist is a katana, and on the tips of his handle, hang three tickets. It is clearly showing that he is a ticket hunter.

Many regulars on the cart try to avoid making eye contact with the ticket hunter, while some regulars who have the tickets try to hide their own ticket. At the same time, Evol and Mira seem to don't care about what is going on right now, so that is why they don't even bother to hide their ticket.

When the ticket hunter walks past the spot where Mira and Evol are sitting, his eyes shift toward the ticket hanging on their waist. The hunter's eyes shine seeing the ticket, grabbing his sword, readying to attack them. He opens him to negotiate, but before a single syllable comes out from his throat, Evol immediately uses Rashomon to attack him.

Rashomon flies out from Evol shadow, straight toward the hunter's throat, separating his head from his body. Blood started spraying from his severed throat and head, going down like rain and using Rashomon, Evol blocked the blood from hitting him and Mira.

''That was unnecessary; you do not need cutting his head off,'' Mira said, turning toward Evol, who deactivated his Rashomon after the blood stopped raining on them.

''It's about sending the message. It's a good way to tell the other to not mess with us.'' Evol simply answer.

''Which is very unnecessary and pointless.'' That is her response before both of them go quiet again.

After another half-hour, the train finally arrived at the station. 

Stepping out from the train, Mira and Evol immediately head toward the elevator and go toward the hell train's floor.

When the door open, it reveals someone standing in front of a massive stone door.

A fair-skinned humanoid being with long turquoise-coloured hair and seemingly glowing red eyes. He wears traditional Asiatic garments and also has a visible tail-like appendage.

''The guardian. Do you think you can take care of him?'' Evol said while looking toward Mira.

''Tch, who the hell do you think I am?'' Mira answered, stepping forward, pulling out her sword while also summoning the green slug.

Her sword starts to turn green, while acid starts to drip out of the blade. Taking the stance, she quickly disappears from her spot. With an insane speed, she appears behind the guardian while aiming to cut the guardian head off.

But the guardian reacted fast, summoning a spear made out of shinsu to block Mira sword, but that was nothing more than a mistake. 

Mira sword easily cut through the shinsu with the help of the acid and the enchantment that she put on her blade. With it, she easily cut the guardian head off, sending it flying.

Unsummon the slug, she sheat her sword back while looking back toward Evol.

''Come on, we got a train to aboard.''

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