Chapter 20 Growth tournament and meeting up with the team

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''-so what are you gonna do?'' Mira asks, looking at Evolto enjoying his coffee.

The growth tournament. A tournament that will behold because they want to test a new type of tournament. The tournament winner will be fighting the winning team from the battle between the FUG and Mad Dog teams.

The tournament rules are simple, the team leader will be choosing a spearhead, and since they're only 2 of us, Evolto will be the spearhead. This tournament's goal is simple; you used your point to summon your teammate and come to the interesting part.

Because there is no one else in our team, we are not qualified to join the tournament, which is reasonable; after all, there are only 2 people in the team, but this is not the end yet. The twisted is that the other team will be able to buy us to join their team and at a low price too!!

Mira and Evolto price will 10,000 each. Usually, top rank regular like them would cost at least a million, but both of them go down because of the special circumstances because it will cause an imbalance in the tournament.

''All we can do is wait; our price is low, really low, it so low that it feels like they are mocking us, but all we can do is wait. Because of our low price, we can be on any team.'' Evolto said

''But if I have to guess, I think I know which team will summon us.''

''Ho? So they already have a plan for us?'' Mira ask

''I don't know, really'' Evol shrugged. ''I have no idea what they are going to do, but I can guess some part about it,'' Evolto lied.

Of course, he knows what gonna happened in the tournament, the fact that Mad Dog is with FUG, the thorn and the fact that Bam will return to their side.


Currently, Evolto is waiting in his room, waiting for a team to summon him; every regular will get their own room, so he is not with anyone right now. Evolto is sitting on the ground, training his power while being ready for a summon.

'So, I used shinsu in the air to create a bang and cero. Now, Rashomon has a unique ability to eat everything; it changes shinsu quality into something unique. What if I used the same energy that creates Rashomon to create a bang? Or maybe used it to create a black hole sphere?' Evolto thought about the possibility to improve his power.

He might be able to transform his Rashomon into 4 different types of element, but he needs to have a different type of attack, an attack that does not rely on Rashomon.

'Maybe I should do the same thing as Akutagawa did. Making Rashomon my armour to increase my physical strength.'

Evolto thought was interrupted by a surge of shinsu around his body. It was clear about what going on; Evolto is being summoned.

In the next moment, he opens his eyes, he looks around and sees that he was in a cave, and they're a person in front of him. A male regular, blonde hair, small fang coming out from his mouth's right, a face that resembles a certain king of the tower, Wangnan Ja.

''Thou art my master, who has summoned me from beyond the withered grasp of time. Born as is the new moon to engage and slay at your grim command...'' Evolto, with a hefty English accent, said, looking at Wangnan, who stare at him dumbfounded.

''...Wha?'' That is all Wangman said

''Oh, sorry about that. Which team are you from?'' Evolto asks, going back to his normal speak. Wangnan quickly gets his composure back.

''Ah, I'm sorry, my name is Wangnan Ja, the team leader of sweet and sour pork!! Khun told us that you would help us get Viole back. Is that true!?'' Wangnan ask

''That blue hair told you that? Well, you are correct, I no we will being Viole back'' Evolto said before looking behind Wangnan and saw the unconscious body of 2 regular behind him '' Look like you don't need my help anyway'' Evolto said

Wangnan laughs nervously while scratching his head ''They are not that strong, really,'' He said before realising something.

''Khun, should we summon more of our teammates? We have a lot of points left,'' Wangnan said, looking toward a lighthouse.

''You're right. Let's call some more before we leave. They said that there's no more loading before the next round.'' Khun voice comes out.

''Ah, if you are going that, can you summon Mira too? That would be really appreciated,'' Evolto said

''That agreeable, having her on our team will make unstoppable,'' Khun said

Wangnan then decides to summon more of his teammate.


Rak Wraithraiser (150,000 p)

Yihwa Yeoun (150,000 p)

Akraptor Hon (70,000 p)

Mira Lo Po Bia (10,000 p)


''Ah!! What are you doing here, creepy turtle!!'' Rak said after spotting Evol

''Oi, is that really how you greet a friend, you crocodile'' Evol response looking at Rak

Rak growl at Evol before jumping at him, knocking Evolto on the ground. Rak grabs Evolto collar before starting shake Evolto violently.

''YOU! AND THAT BLUE TURTLE ALWAYS DO SOMETHING WITHOUT TELLING ME!'' Rak said before stop shaking Evolto ''It good to see you again, creepy turtle,'' Rak said before getting up

''Yeah, good to see you too, banana crocodile,'' Evol said, getting back up

''BANANA CROCODILE!? I am not a banana crocodile!! I am just a normal crocodile!!'' Rak said after hearing what Evolto called him

''You just called yourself a crocodile, again!!'' Evolto said, pointing at Rak

''W-WHA!?'' Rak said start to stutter a bit

'Is this really the Black Dragon?' Both Wangnan and Akaraptor thought at the same time. They were surprised about how Evolto act. After all, the name Black Dragon sound really menacing, and they see how he fought in the individual tournament and see how he have no mercy toward the enemy at all. Still, the person in front of him is literally the opposite of menacing right now. t all

''Are you guy gonna stop this childish act any time soon?'' Mira finally spoke with a very irritated

''Shut it, green hair turtle, this is none of your business!!'' Rak shout

''Yeah, that right!! Shut it, green hair turtle!!'' Evolto join in

Mira looks at them with a really annoyed face before facing somewhere else ''If this is how you gonna act in a tournament, then I am really disappointed,'' Mira said before heading off.

'So, that a princess of Jahad. She acts so calmly, and I can feel that she is firm. No wonder why I'm not a princess of Jahad, can I, one day, become as strong as her....' Yihwa thought

''Hey!! You cannot leave; you need to stay as a team!!'' Evolto shouts, he complains, causing Mira to glare back at him before clicking her tongue and stop heading away.

''Will she really listen to our order? I feel like she will never listen to us'' Khun complain.

''Don't worry, Khun, I'm sure she will listen... I think,'' Evolto said, doubting himself a bit.

''*sigh* doesn't matter. The other teams are almost done now.'' Khun said before continuing,'' We're ready too, so let head out now.''

''It time to meet our semi-finals opponents!''


I know it a short chapter, and I should write more since I didn't update yesterday. But many things happened while I was writing this chapter, so I decided to make it short and skip a lot of parts.

As for the next chapter, you don't need to worried about it; I will make sure that it will not be as short as this one.

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