Chapter 9 The beginning of the adventure

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''Where the hell am I?'' Evolto said after opening his eyes. The last thing that he remembers is how he lost his consciousness because of the overused Rashomon.

Evol looks around and sees that he is sleeping in his room. Then he starts to think about what will happen next in the story.

'So, I'm back in my room. That means the test is over. I need to know how long have I been sleeping, hopefully not too long. Second, Bam is ''dead'', and they will decide to climb the tower with Rachel. Should I go with them or split up from them?'

'Oh, wait... 4 peoples on this floor know that I'm irregular. Will they keep that a secret or will they tell the other?'


'Why are there so many questions!? OK, calm me down; I need to think about the plan for the future.'

'If I remember correctly, there will be 5 years time skip before Bam reappear as a new slayer candidate. I should train and prepare for the workshop battle.'

'My current power is all fiction and Rashomon, which are very overpower; I just only need to improve Rashomon power.'

'5 years should be a lot of time to improve Rashomon. I might be able to become strong enough to be able to fight against high rankers.'

'All fiction is already strong enough on itself, so I don't need to do anything about it.'

Evolto thought suddenly got interrupted by the sound of the door opening, revealing Khun.

''Ah, you awake. You have been sleeping for an hour after the test finish. I might have a chance to kill you but look like I fail,'' Khun said with sarcasm in his voice.

''Haha, very funny. Why are you here: blue hair?'' Evolto said the last part with more seriousness in his voice

''Can't I just come and check my fellow friend'' Khun answer before he continue '' I am here to tell you what happened in the test'' Khun said this time very seriously, and you can hear some sadness in his voice

''We all pass the test,'' Khun said

''That's good.''

''Because Bam sacrifice himself'' Khun continue

''That's bad, that is really bad,'' Evolto response. ''What the hell happened?'' Evolto ask. He might already know what happened to Bam, but he still curious about what Khun will say.

Khun then proceeds to tell Evolto everything. How Bam make a deal with the administrator and told him that Rachel said that Bam sacrifice himself for her (*COUGH* BULLSHIT *COUGH*)

''Do you really think Bam is dead?'' Evolto suddenly ask

''What? It pretty obvious that he dead'' Khun answer, still a little bit sad about Bam death.

''Did you forget about who Bam really is?'' Evolto response

This cause Khun eyes to widen. Of course, why can't he think of that? Bam is not some random regular; he an irregular who also related to 10 great families. The fact that Bam is ''dead'' makes Khun totally forgot about that fact, but...

''Are you saying that Bam still alive somehow?''

''I cannot say for sure, but I can say one thing for certain. Bam is too important to die; he is irregular like me; there is a chance that there are people who planned this.''

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