Chapter 22 Black Dragon vs Living Ignition Weapon

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I will be very surprised if, someone still reading this fanfic, but hey!! I'm back






''Now, let's get this party started,''  Evol said with a smile while Rashomon starts to fly around his body, while Evol swears that he can hear Rashomon growling a bit.

Beta grit his teeth at Evol taunting before more green substance start to come out of his body, forming a similar shape to Rashomon. 

Evol just raised his eyebrow when witnessing Beta blatantly copying him.

Beta look at Evol in the eyes before a grin starts to form on his face.

''You might be strong, but a normal regular will never be able to beat me!!''  Beta yell before the fake Rashomon rush toward Evol.

Evol shakes his head at Beta declaration.  With less effort, Rashomon flies toward the fake Rashomon. Instead of a clash, the real Rashomon tore to the fake one like butter, causing Beta eyes to widen at the result.

Rashomon didn't stop there; it continues to fly toward Beta with amazing speed. Beta using his instinct and form a wing behind his back before dodging barely dodging Rashomon., where it easily tear to the thick stone wall.

Evol smirk before commanding his Rashomon to turn around and follow Beta, who is in the air. Beta response by trying to copy Evol again, forming his own green Rashomon but this time, it much longer than the first one while also looking more vicious.

Beta then launch it toward the real Rashomon, expecting his own Rashomon to win the clash easily, but to his surprise, his own Rashomon still goes tear apart like butter and the real Rashomon still flying toward him.

Rashomon cut off Beta left arm without any time to react before destroying the severed arm into nothing.

Beta land on the ground with a thud, gritting his teeth before looking back at Evol while also regenerating his left arm.

''What's wrong? I still haven't moved a step from where I started'' Evol taunt while also pointing at the ground beneath.

''How?! HOW!? A mere regular like you! How can you stand a chance against me!? Our power is very similar, yet you, a mere regular, still can fight against me, a weapon!! HOW!?'' Beta shout in anger.

Evol frown at Beta exclamation, and something start to build inside Evol. An emotion that he hasn't felt for a while, anger.

''Similar to you? Don't make me laugh. You lose your arm because you are trying to copy me. And when it did not work out, you start to throw a fit and claim that you are stronger than me? How foolish. You said you are stronger, and yet you still trying to copy me!! Not only that you are trying to copy me, but you are also looking down on me!? A failure like you have no place to talk!!'' Evol said while anger starts to build inside of him before he points at Beta.

''Next time, I will be taking your right leg, PERMANENTLY!!'' Evol said with clear anger in his voice.

What happens next cannot be described in a word. After Evol state his intention, the ensuing fight did not even last a second, but for Beta, it felt like an eternity.

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