Chapter 5 Position and new Power

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The next days, all the regulars have been called gather in one big room, and Lero-to comes out from the door. He then announces our next test, which is the positioning test. He then starts to explain each role which when Evol think about it, the role is like a raid team in MMORPG.

First, the Fisherman it a simple but also prevalent role. It is a role for the person who will be fighting at close range like a tank or a warrior class.

Second, Spear bearer, they will be using a weapon like a spear to fight at both and medium range. This role might be similar to Fisherman, but this role will focus more on the enemy backline or finish the enemy that the fisherman couldn't. This role is like a lancer class who clear out a trash mob or regulars who stand behind fishers.

The third, the Light-bearer. This might be, if not, the most important role in the team. They will investigate the battlefield and collect all the battle information while reporting it to other team members. They will also be the ones that usually came up with the strategies to defeat the enemy.

Fourth is the scout; they will be observing the movement of people in the front line using an observer to report the information back to the light bearer. But their job is usually to observe and scout out the enemy strategies and positioning.

Last but not least, a wave controller. Their job is to control shinsu and attack the enemy from the backline. They are the ones that will be dealing the most damage on the battlefield. They are the ''mage'' for the team because they will use the shnisu technique to cause the most destruction and damage.

They are also another sub-rule that Lero-ro didn't explain, but there is no point knowing about it right now.

He then explains that we will be trained in each position for a month, and regulars who earn the highest result will participate in the next test.

Now, for the position...



best seed- Anak


Cheonhwa Hong



Spear bearer


Rak Wraithraiser

Hyun Young



Light bearer

Best seed- Khun Aguero Agnes

Best seed- Michelle Light

Leeron 3




Best seed- Shibusu


Narae Seonwoo



Wave controller

Best seed- Evolto

Phonsekal Laure



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