8. Alone with Grayson.

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Chapter 8

Roxanne's POV

"Why are you calling so early?" I look at the wall clock in the kitchen, it's still seven in the morning. "You always wake up late."

"I can't wait to tell you this. I saw Pipa's Instagram story last night, she's dating Archer." Julia's voice is so alive and alert. "See what I mean when I tell you that people have a lack of options in this pandemic, they just pick anyone to date."

Pipa Marquez, the famous slutty bitch during high school.

"I don't give a damn about them dating, Jul, I'm not interested to know anything that involves Archer." I stir my coffee, then take a small sip.

Archer West, my ex-boyfriend. We broke up two years ago, after our one and a half year relationship. After him, I dated no one seriously.

He also is the mayor's son. Love by Baltimore for being a former basketball star in Beverly High School and the hottest guy in school. Well, he's still hot right now, the way he flips his blond hair makes girls go crazy.

"Come on, Rox. Baltimore is a small city, you're going to run into him again. You can't keep avoiding him."

"I'm not avoiding him. I just hate the sight of him. He's a coward, a disappointment, and someone I regret wasting my time with for one and a half years."

"Get over it and move on."

"Excuse me, Jul. I already moved on. He's irrelevant to me now." I slightly raise my voice.

"Chill, don't get mad, it's early in the morning. By the way, he's helping his dad run the city during this pandemic."

"Good for him." I laugh sarcastically.

"I have a feeling that he's going to run as a mayor someday."

"If that happens, I'm going to leave Baltimore and settle somewhere else." I carry my mug of coffee, then move to the living room.

"You still really hate him, huh?"

"Very much, so stop talking about him, it will just ruin my day."

I was 19, and he was 21, when we were so madly in love with each other. We were so happy together until something bad happened that broke us up. It made me feel so devastated, and he never fought for our love.

And now, we never see eye to eye. He finished business school at the University of Maryland, and is helping his family manage their many businesses here in Baltimore.

"Sorry about that, Rox. I'm going to film for Grayson's video this afternoon. If you're not busy, you can come."

"Not today. I'm going to do the laundry, then hunt for a job."

"How's your progress?"

"Not good. No one answered my application." I lean back in the armchair, crossing my legs, "the limited options are so frustrating. Many of the establishments are closed."

"Just take any kind of job, don't be so choosy."

"I swear, I'm not. I'll do any job, waitressing, janitorial, dishwashing, as long as there's good money."

"Right. Anyway, I watched that Korean Drama you told me about, Hometown Cha Cha Cha, I really love it. Chief Hong is so cute! I wish there's someone here in Baltimore like him."

"Exactly. Did you search for the actor? His name is..."

After fifteen minutes of talking, we hang up. I finish my coffee and start checking the classified ads in the morning paper.

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