Chapter 26-4 Days Left

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Leah POV

"No, we should have red tablecloths. Green is tacky."

"Well, sorry, Clarke, but I don't know how to plan a party! Why did you even bring me here?!"

"Because we had to, now shut up and choose the right things!" Theo slouched in his chair and folded his arms with a pout.

Gia, Vlado, Clarke, Theo, and I sat around a round table that was littered with papers of party planning companies and types of decorations. We had been sitting here for hours, just planning what we were going to have at the house. And I was really questioning how this was all going to get set up for Sunday.

When Clarke turned her attention to Gia, I gave Theo a subtle nudge. He turned his head to me.

"Don't worry, I have no idea what I'm doing either," I whispered, giving him a quick glance before looking at the other three on the table.

Theo grinned. "Thank god, but neither of us is the most hopeless person here." He chuckled lightly, but I sent him a confused gaze. He leaned closer slightly but kept his eyes on the others at the table.

"Vlado can't party plan for his life. If he could, we wouldn't ever have to drive here," he nodded in Vlado's direction, and I looked at him. Vlado held two separate sheets of paper in his hands and looked between the two in complete confusion. He went to set one of them down as a suggestion, but Giorgia slapped his hand away, causing Theo and I to snicker at Vlado's hurt face.

"Oof, I almost feel bad for him," Theo snickered, leaning back into his chair with a smirk.

I laughed quietly. "Yeah," I agreed before I turned my attention back onto the papers in front of me. Two of them had types of chairs and benches for the outside, and others had food. I looked at them for a few minutes before I came up with an idea.

"What if we set up an area outside with a couple of tables set up with food for guests who don't want to be inside?" I blurted out rather loudly, cutting off all conversations. Everybody at the table looked at me, and I felt my cheeks heat up from all the attention and I sunk into my chair. "It was just an idea. Don't worry, it's dumb-"

"No, it isn't," Gia stopped me, and I peered up at her. She sat on the other side of the table, and she had her fingers on her chin thoughtfully. "That is a wonderful idea." She snapped her attention to Vlado and Theo, who instantly sat up straighter at her gaze.

"You two-out. The women can handle it from here." She snapped her fingers and pointed towards the door. The men opened their mouths to disagree, but one strong glare from Gia stopped them. I looked at Theo as he stood up with a fake mad look.

"Traitor," I whispered so only he could hear. He just gave me a smirk and a wink before he strutted out of the room. I mentally rolled my eyes with a slight smile before I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Vlado already looking down at me.

He looked at the other women at the table with a smirk before back at me. "Good luck; you'll need it with these two." I gave him a small nod with a grin before he walked out of the room.

Clarke rolled her eyes. "It's not like we're going to eat her."

The snap from Gia instantly grabbed our attention.

"Come on, ladies. We have to finish this today."

* * * * * * * *

I stumbled out of the room, letting out a yawn. We had been in there for hours and only just finished planning. Gia said that she would send the workers the plans and that they'll finish it before we get back, whatever that means. My brain is too exhausted to comprehend what she even said.

"Come on, Leah. We have to get ready!" Clarke pulled my arm in her direction, causing me to almost faceplant on the floor. I caught myself before I fell and looked at Clarke.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Whenever we plan a big party, we always go out to celebrate," she explained, leading us around the house. I stopped following her and thought for a moment.

"So, you have a celebration for the celebration?" Clarke turned to me and looked up slightly.

"Yeah, I guess we do," she laughed. "So, come on! I want to be the one to get you ready before the twins show up." She grabbed onto my hand again and started pulling me with her.

"The twins? Who are you talki-" I was suddenly pulled out of her grasp and brought into a different direction. My head spun for a moment, and I felt like I was seeing double. And it turns out I was.

"Talking about us now, Clarke?"

"That's so nice! I think she missed us, Julia."

"I think you're right, Jamie. Well, you've seen us, so now it's time for us to meet this lovely lady." I heard the two voices discuss, both of them women's, and just as suddenly as before, I was being dragged into another direction by two pairs of hands.

"Julia! Jamie! Bring her back here! I'm getting her ready!" Clarke yelled after us, and I heard her rushed, angry footsteps heading towards us.

"Nah, I think we'll be doing this."

"In fact, Julia, are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Always." With that, only one pair of hands led me around, and when I heard Clarke let out a yelp, I knew the other one had gotten to her too.

"How the hell are you so strong?!"

The second voice laughed. "It's a twin secret. Can't tell you, sorry."

After a few quick moments, I was pushed into a room with Clarke. I put a hand to my head as my vision spun. It came back into focus, and I noticed two girls standing in front of me with large smiles.

"Hi!" They said in unison. They both wore the same tank top and shorts, just in different colours. They had their long dark brown hair styled over their shoulders, and they both had the same hazel eyes. They both had tan skin and a small tattoo on the top of their arm. One on their right, the other one's on her left. I tried to get a good look at them, but they were moving towards me before I could.

"I'm Julia-" The right one said.

"And I'm Jamie." The one of the left spoke.

"What's your name?"

"Umm, Leah," I answered uncertainly.

"What a lovely name!"

"Very lovely indeed, Julia."

"Well, I think you know what time it is, Jamie."

"Indeed I do. Do you, Clarke?"

Beside me, Clarke groaned. "Unfortunately."

The three of them spoke in unison, the twins with excitement, but Clarke with irritation.

"Party time!"

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