Chapter 34

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Hey, everyone! Sorry (yet again) for the late update. Also, I wrote this really late, so please let me know if you spot any mistakes or if something just doesn't make any sense, and I'll make sure to fix it.
Anyways, enjoy your reading!

Vlado POV

Things had been tense in the group ever since the ambush. It was mainly because of me.

I always had to make sure that someone was watching anybody associated with us who couldn't exactly defend themselves. Mainly for Leah. Not that I doubted her. I just didn't want to take any risks.

I think it was because I was feeling bad. Maybe because I hadn't told her that I'm in the mafia.

...No, that was definitely it.

It was weird, I think I was scared that she was going to be scared of me. And I am never like this. I always know what to do, when to do it, and never think twice.

But now, I am scared of what my choices will do and if somebody would get hurt.

It was shitty.

"Boss," I looked up from my work when Romero walked into my office, "we have some information about the possible attacker."

I leaned back in my seat and nodded for him to continue. "So, our sources say that the Genovese crew was asking around about the celebration." My jaw ground together.

The Genovese mafia crew was one of our main competitors. For generations, our families had been at war with each other. Our grandparents, our parents, and now us. It's nice to see that we all follow in our parent's footsteps.

"Alright, I want you and Clarke to go talk to this source and tell Theo, and another two people to just look after the maids, but have Theo look after Leah. I don't want her feeling uncomfortable." Listen to me. 'I don't want her feeling uncomfortable?' What is wrong with me lately? Although, it has been happening for a little while now. I'll just roll with it.

"Got it." Romero nodded before leaving and I turned back to finish my work. Well, tried to do my work. My mind just kept going back to Leah, and I felt sick in the stomach.

I've never felt this feeling before. But to be fair, there have been a lot of firsts since I've hired Leah. Taking someone who isn't a part of my crew to my parent's house. Getting jealous whenever Theo hung out with somebody instead of me - normally I would pity them. Getting punched in the face for trying to be funny. It definitely wasn't.

Every time I thought of Leah being put in that situation, I feel it again. It's like whenever I'm thinking about something bad happening to her because of me. Actually, I might have felt it before when Clarke got shot, but it wasn't so intense.

I slouched in my chair with a frown.

Man. This day is already shit.

Leah POV

"I just think that you need to actually talk to her if you want the relationship to work."

"I know, but she hasn't called me back, and I don't want to seem desperate."

I pause my mopping and turned around to give Theo my best deadpan look. "So, you want to be in an actual relationship with Lana, but because she hasn't called back, you think calling her first is desperate?"

"...I'm scared to say yes."

"Theo, that's not how a relationship works," I sighed, turning back around to continue mopping the floor.

"Honestly, I agree with Leah," Amelia chimed in.

"If you agreed with Theo, I'd be worried," I scoffed and the redhead laughed. It had been a relatively calm couple of days, and I was glad that things were finally getting back to normal. Of course, there were still people watching over us, as if they could actually defend us if something bad happened. But surprisingly, I actually felt safe. I couldn't tell if it was either their confidence or the fact that I actually trusted these people.

Probably the second one...and kind of the first one.

"Hey, guys!" Rowan smiled as he walked into the hall.

"Hey, Rowan!" Amelia and I greeted back in unison, causing us to give out a little laugh.

"Yeah, hi, Rowan," Theo said, confusion laced in his voice. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, Vlado needed to talk to you, so he wants me to stick with Leah and Amelia," Rowan told Theo before giving me a smile. Theo blinked in surprise before he looked over his shoulder at us.

"Alright, I'll see you guys later then." He waved and walked off, leaving us with Rowan.

I hadn't really gotten to know Rowan over the time that I've been here. I've spoken to him here and there, but I wouldn't say that we were friends. Not to sound rude or hurt his feelings or anything, but we were definitely far from being friends.

He stood there awkwardly as we mopped, rocking on his feet. "So..." He drawled out, making the silence seem much more awkward.

"So..." I copied, glancing at him over my shoulder. Was he going to say anything? It's not a good way to start a conversation, but ok.

He chuckled uncomfortably and scratched the back of his neck. "Sorry, I don't really know what to say around you." I raised an eyebrow. "Not like that! I mean that I've gotten to know Amelia more than I have gotten the chance with you, is all."

"No, that's fine, I didn't take it that way," I reassured, looking at the mop sliding across the floor more intently.

It was only awkward for a few more minutes before Amelia - thank god - started to make conversation. She made the effort for the two of us to get to know each other, and I made a mental note to thank her later. Like, a lot. I don't really like trying to start a conversation, which was definitely something I needed to work on.

We kept moving down the long halls of the house, having easy and fun conversations along the way.

"God, this job sucks sometimes," he sighed and leaned against the white wall.

Amelia chuckled. "Well, I'm pretty sure yours is more interesting than us cleaning."

"Heh, yeah, but I wouldn't say that it's safer."

I looked over my shoulder. "What do you mean?" I asked curiously.

"Oh, just that it isn't the safest job in the world. Definitely not."

"Oh, are you guys like police officers, or something?"

Rowan's lips pursed and he nodded his head lightly. "Something."

Uhh, what was that supposed to mean?

I was about to ask him to elaborate, but footsteps echoed down the hall, gaining all of our attention.

"Rowan!" Clarke's voice rung out before she appeared. "Hey, Leah, Amelia."

"Clarke," I smiled. "What's up?"

She pointed in the direction she came. Thankfully, we hadn't mopped there yet. "Oh, Vlado just wanted everybody in the office to talk about something." She looked back at Rowan. "So, we better get going. You guys alright to keep cleaning here?"

I glanced at Amelia and she gave me a nod and I looked back at Clarke. "Yeah, we're all good. We'll see you guys later, right?"

She smiled. "Right." With that, they left us in the halls. It was kind of relieving that we didn't have someone watching our every move, even though it was to look after us. It just slightly got overbearing at times, but I guess I'll just have to get used to it.

Even though we were having a good time, I couldn't shake the feeling of something bad. Something like dread. Like I didn't know something. But that couldn't be true, right? These people wouldn't keep something from me. Especially Mary. We've been best friends for, like, a thousand years. We tell each other everything. And not the same. I didn't know him as well as I knew Mary, but, he would tell me anything if it was important.

Maybe Rowan did, but I didn't really know him well, so how would I know?

Maybe I was just overthinking. Why was I even thinking this? Nothing even happened, so everything would be fine.

It would be fine.

All good.

Nothing was wrong.


Yeah, no, something was wrong.

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