Chapter 12

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Some students were the first to reach Stella and catch her before losing consciousness. Dumbldore and Snape quickly made their way towards her, followed by Hagrid and McGonagall. Hagrid picked up the bleeding girl and quickly ran to the hospital wing while Snape took care of Stella. Professor McGonagall made sure to inform Madam Pomfrey what happened so she could prepare for two new incoms.

"What happened to her?" Snape asked as he was carrying Stella in his arms and Dumbldore shook his head, not knowing. "You shouldn't have let her leave this place at all!" Snape snapped, Stella was his student and he quickly grew to like her.

"I clearly see that now," Dumbldore answered when they reached the hospital wing where Madam Pomfrey was already helping her friend.

"How bad is she?" She asked when Snape put Stella on the bed, not looking away from Alicia who was in bad shape. Dumbldore ran to her side.

"She has some cuts, nothing too deep. I can fix this, you make sure that kid is okay," Snape answered and McGonagall helped him.

"I don't know what exactly happened, but those are werewolf's cuts," Madam Pomfrey said and everyone looked at her and back at each other, "I haven't found any bite thankfully, but... I did find something that looks like a vampire bite."

"It can't be possible," Snape mumbled.

"Vampires and werewolves together?" McGonagall whispered and looked at Stella's pale face, "Oh, poor child."

"I didn't believe it either, but I know what I saw. We will need to wake Stella up so she can tell us everything. I did close all the cuts on this child, but I can't treat her properly unless I know everything."

"Can't we let her rest a bit?" McGonagall was the one to ask and Madam Pomfrey shook her head, "We don't have enough time, she will rest later."

They nodded and let Dumbldore wake her. Snape and Professor McGonagall took a step back, giving them some space and Madam Pomfrey went in the back to take some ingredients. The whole time Hagrid was standing by the door, nervously looking at Stella. Dumbldore waved his wand over Stella's face and she slowly opened her eyes.

"Hey," he said gently.

"Al-Alicia," Stella mumbled and shook her head, her whole body was in pain, every breath caused her chest to hurt and in every place where cuts were she thought fire was forming.

"Here, drink this, you will feel better," Madam Pomfrey said and made her drink a full glass of something that was simply disgusting. Stella shut her eyes tightly while swallowing, but she immediately felt better.

"Alicia... is she going to be alright?" She looked at her friend's motionless body and she wanted to burn the whole world down.

"I need you to tell me exactly what happened, so I can treat her. Where are these cuts from, the bits, everything."

"Vampires and werewolves," she answered, her throat raspy, "I made sure no werewolf bit her, but they did make some deep cuts. I know some vampires bit her, but only to feed off her, I don't think she has any venom in her sistem, but you should check that as well."

"Are you sure she has no werewolf bites?" Stella nodded and Madam Pomfrey went to Alicia's side, knowing what to do.

"What happened?" Snape asked and Stella looked at him, her eyes empty.

"I don't know," she sighed, "we were saying goodbye and they just appeared out of nowhere, first all the werewolves and then vampires. I have never seen them working together, but at this point they didn't care about their own rivalry. I was trying my best to protect her, I've been doing that all day, and when the night came they finally left. I didn't know where else to go, muggle doctors couldn't help her out so I had to bring her here."

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