chapter one

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everyone knows pretty much everything about buck. but there is one thing they don't know. buck has a 2 year old daughter cesiah madeline buckley from a previous one night stand that he raises on his own. it's not like he does not want them to know hell eddie is new to the 118 and everyone adores christopher it is just that he just has not brought her up and if he does it is in passing and everyone just assumes it is a little cousin or something buck has. 


buck wakes up at 6:30. he throws the covers off himself and quietly walks downstairs so he doesn't wake the sleeping toddler just down the hall.

he starts his coffee and decides to make eggs and bacon for breakfast. one of the only thing cesiah will eat at the moment. buck grabs the eggs and cracks them into a bowl when he hears a noise come from his daughters room. he rinses his hand than walks down the hall to her room.  

he slowly open the door careful not to disturb her if she is still sleeping. he notices she is sitting up so he enters the room. 

"good morning pumpkin"

 cesiah looks over at buck with her blonde curly hair all over the place "daddy"

 buck goes over to her bed and picks her up. he kisses her forehead and runs his fingers threw her hair.

 "did you sleep good" cesiah nods and lays her head on his shoulder

 "how about some breakfast" cesiah smiles and mumbles yea.

buck gets back to the kitchen and puts cesiah down letting her roam and play with toys. 

soon after buck finishes cooking and sets her in her booster seat for the chair he has. he sets her plate and milk down. he sits down next to her and eats. 

by the time he has finished eating he realizes its 7:15 and he still needs to get himself and daughter ready.  he rushes to clean up the kitchen. he gets cesiah dressed into a blue top and black leggings . he combs her hair and ask "pig tails or ponytail?"

 "mm pig tals" the 2 year old says not being able to pronounce pig tails right.

 buck laughs and does her hair securing it with rubber bands. "okay time to brush our teeth". cesiah was excited when she was able to start brushing her teeth being able to pick her own toothbrush.

buck was grateful for that because he knows many kids hate brushing their teeth. 

buck helps brush her teeth and he brushes his. he finishes getting ready and dressed into his lafd shirt and jeans. he checks the time 7:30 shit he mumbles to himself knowing he will be late for shift. he packs cesiahs bag for day care than head out the door. he buckles cesiah into her seat than gets into the car and starts his way to her day care. 

"so are we going to be nice today an be good for ms.carter. cesiah giggle and nods "yes daddy" buck smiles and looks into his mirror. 

he gets to cesiahs day care at 7:45. he drops her off and gives her a kiss goodbye. by the time he gets the the station it is 8:10. he skips up the stairs "your late buckley" bobby says buck looks at him "i know i'm sorry there was traffic and" before buck can finish the bells go off.

they get back from the call 2 hours later. hen and chimney go off and talk while buck and eddie both pour themselves a cup of coffee. 

so eddie said catching bucks attention. "christopher wants to go see santa friday  and wants you to come with. 

without even thinking buck says he would love too. he has been meaning to take cesiah to see santa. the girl is now old enough to sit on his lap and tell him want she wants for Christmas but just hasn't had the time.

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