chapter 8

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Eddie rushes to get the kids up and ready. They are excited because buck gets to come home today.

Eddie is relieved that buck comes home today. The past few days have been crazy and chaotic, both kids asking when is buck coming home and cesiah being all over the place and emotional missing her dad.

Carla and maddie help whenever they can but for the most part they are clingy to eddie not wanting to be away from him for more than a few hours. And him having his ceremony coming up. He and buck both talked. Since he won't be able to do as much with his cast on eddie offered to stay and help out chasing a toddler is already a lot of work but eddie couldn't imagine doing it with hurt the way buck is.

He's finishing getting cesiah dressed for day care and making sure christopher is ready for school when he hears a knock at the door.

He's not sure who it could be he picks up cesiah and goes and answers the door.

He opens the door and sees both his parents standing there.

"Mom dad what are you doing here?" eddie asks confused

"Hello eddie he thought we would come and surprise you abuela and pepa told us about your ceremony sophia and adriana are back at the hotel" his mom says with a smile

Eddie moves out of the doorway, allowing his parents inside.

"Where's christopher?" helena ask

"He's getting ready for school mom" eddie says feeling frustrated his parents just showed up with no warning he's not in the mood to deal with them especially today.

"Well I was hoping I could see him?" his mother says

" We have to leave in like 10 minutes and how did you know where I'm at?" Eddie asks, confused.

"Well we told abuela we were coming and she said you were here tho it doesn't look like your house" his father says

Eddie sighs "it's not"

hIs mother looks around then back at eddie "and who's this?" she asks looking at cesiah

"I'm cesiah" the 3 year old in his arms happily said.

Eddie looks at cesiah then sets her down kneeling down to her height "hey baby girl can you go tell christopher that we're about to leave" eddie says with his dad smile.

"Okay" cesiah says and runs off to find christopher.

Eddie stands straight back up and sighs looking back at his mom "she's my co workers daughter i'm helping take care of her while he is in the hospital. We have to go, I'll call you later" eddie says, moving closer to the door.

His parents give a disapproving look then says goodbye. Eddie shuts the door and sighs

He scrambles getting the kids in the car and their bags.

Once he drops cesiah off at daycare he heads to the hospital to pick up buck

Eddie enters the hospital room. Buck smiles at eddie "hey"

Eddie walks closer to buck "hey you ready to get out of here?" the older man ask

Buck chuckles "yeah they are getting my discharge papers"

Eddie goes and sits in a chair next to the bed.

Buck can sense eddie is feeling a little bit off "Is everything okay?" the blonde asks

Eddie sighs "my parents showed up the morning" he rubs his hand across his face.

"Uh why" buck asks confused

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