chapter 6

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It has been a month and a half since the dinner and everyone has met cesiah but now her 3rd birthday party is tomorrow. Buck would be lying if he said he wasn't sad that his little girl is growing up. It feels like just yesterday he was holding the little girl in his arms for the first time.

He has been planning her party for the last few weeks with maddies help. He's already got most of the decorations for the party and spent a while trying to pick out a cake design but he finally did after maddies help. Now all he has to do is pick up the cake and balloons after shift. Bobby offered to grill which buck denied at first but ended up accepting because he knew bobby was a far better cook then he is.

They are on shift now. It's late at night but buck wasn't able to sleep and apparently eddie wasn't either because while buck was sitting on the couch eddie came up stairs.

The older man goes and sits on the couch next to buck.

"Can't sleep?" he asks.

Buck sighs "no" looking at the older man.

"Birthday party stress or that call?" he looks at buck sincerely

A few hours into shift they responded to a call a older man got smashed between his gate and car. Buck talked to his husband thomas and something he said stuck with buck and he couldn't stop thinking about it.

"You don't find it son you make it"

And when he said that his mind went to eddie and the kids. Because ever since they vowed to have each other's backs they spend most of their week together either on shift or off shift so the kids can hang out. Buck never thought much about it. They are just two single fathers who are bestfriends and kids are basically siblings. But somewhere buck knows deep down that that little feeling he gets in his stomach is butterflies when he sees eddie sneak a quick smile or looks his way or when he sees him with the kids. But buck just chose to push those feelings down because they are just some stupid feelings and eddie could never feel the same.

Buck takes a deep breath "both" just pushing whatever thoughts he had about the call away because it's his daughters birthday party tomorrow and he needs to focus on the thing that matters most buck tells himself.

"It's at 2 tomorrow right?" eddie asks the blonde.

"Yeah maddie is going to come over and help me set up and i need to pick up the cake and balloons after shift"

"Chris is at abeluas until 12 i can pick up the cake and stuff help you and maddie set up it will be quicker plus i can get a few extra hugs from my favorite girl"

Buck chuckles "she has you wrapped around your finger"

Eddie raises his eyebrow at buck "and you don't have christopher wrapped around yours"

Buck hold his hands up in defense "can't help i'm his favorite"

"I think that's your daughter" the brunette says

"Yeah yeah so what was that phone call about earlier?" the younger man asks

Right after they got back from a call eddie got a phone call and was acting different since but buck didn't have time to ask till now.

Eddie clears his throat "umm my attorney they told me my divorace is final"

"That's a good thing right?" buck ask confused

"Yeah yeah just sucks christopher growing up without his mother present i thought she would've at least wanted to be in his life"

" He may not have his mother but he still has you" buck looks at the older man sincerely.

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