Well shit...

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i've never realized how difficult 1st person povs were until now. i now how respect for ppl who wrote in 1st pov. oh yeah and down forget i don't proofread my shit so sorry for any mistakes. anyway enjoy:)

{Clarke POV}

I know it's wrong, besides the fact that she's my best friend's girlfriend, she's literally my childhood bully. Costia has been my best friend ever since kindergarten when this boy Murphy pushed me down. She was the only one who didn't laugh and helped me up, we've been friends ever since. My only other friend is Raven. We became friends in fourth grade after we had to work on a science project together. She wanted to blow something up so my dad helped up make a volcano, I know basic but it was fun.

Anyway, how could I have a crush on the girl who would make fun of me any chance she got. The girl that would push me into lockers all through seventh and eighth grade. The girl that would make a pig noise any time she saw me because of the one time I snorted at something funny that Raven said. The girl that was so mean to me that she's made me cry a couple of times.

I know it's wrong to have a crush on a bully, god knows how many times Raven told me how screwed up it was. Ravens the only one who knows I like her, who knows I might like girls in general. If I had it my way she wouldn't know, she only knows because freshman yeah she said she had feelings for me and I accidentally told her I had feelings for Lexa Woods.

She even said "You mean THE Lexa Woods who is a popular soccer goddess who's dating your best friend and use to bully you any chance she got. Your pathetic." I told her I know but there was nothing I could do about it. She's been my crush for five years now, and no matter how much I try, I just can't stop liking her.

She wasn't always this way though. There was a time where she was actually pretty nice to me. Like once in fourth grade she ran around the courtyard during recess, picking flowers for me because it was my birthday. Another time on the last day of fifth grade this boy Finn was making fun of me for wearing glasses and Lexa punched him in the stomach. And after she punched him she told me she thought I looked cute with glasses.

Throughout the whole summer going into sixth grade, the feelings developed. When I was at the beach with my parents, Raven, and Costia, I would see Lexa playing with other kids, cousins maybe, but I never saw her parents. I was always too afraid to go up and talk to her so I made a plan to talk to her on the first day of school.

I was going to walk up to Lexa and talk to her, and if it was a success I was going to invite her over to do normal sixth grader stuff. We would talk and get to know each other better and hopefully become friends or something.

But it didn't work, obviously. On the first day of sixth grade, I saw her playing soccer with a bunch of boys. I was smiling as I watched her do a silly little dance as she scored a goal and when she was done playing I started walking towards her.

While I was walking a boy tapped Lexa on the shoulder then pointed at me and started whispering. They both ended up laughing making me stop in my tracks. I was scared they were laughing at me so I looked down at myself but didn't see anything wrong so I kept walking.

As I got closer I saw the boy she was with was Finn, yes the same Finn who Lexa punched for making fun of me. I was so confused why she was playing with him when he was a bully, but I understood when I was finally standing in front of them, Lexa turned into a bully too.

She looked me up and down then Finn whispered something to her then she looked me up and down once again and busted out laughing. I instantly knew why she was laughing and ran away to go find Raven and Cosita.

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