Lexa fucking Woods

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{Lexa POV}

It's been almost three months and Clarke and I have talked everyday, Im not sure why but we ignore each other at school, then once we're home we talk, we've even gone over each other's houses a multiple times. I know it's wrong to feel this way, it's not right to Costia. It's just when I'm around Clarke I'm so happy, I feel like I can be myself, if only I was nicer to her sooner.

Costia just stormed out of the house for the fourth time this week because I started asking her about learning sign language. I don't understand why she gets so mad, why doesn't she want to learn.

I looked over to see Clarke doing something in her room, so I started throwing pencils.

We really have to think of a better system to get each other's attention, Clarke signed as she smiled at me, then pointed to all the pens and pencils that littered the concrete below us.

What about texting? We can text each other to come to the window.

Why haven't we thought of that yet?

I don't know, also I was gonna ask if I could come over.

Of course.

When I got to Clarke's house she made us some lunch and when she was cleaning the dishes I sat on one of the bar stools.

So, what now?

I actually came over to talk to you about something.

What's up?

Costia got mad at me again because I tried teaching her ASL. She told me that if I tried I could use my voice. But even if I did, it wouldn't change the fact that I wouldn't be able to hear her, I really don't understand her.

Wow, I can't believe she could say something like that, the Costia I know would never be like that.

She is, it's because she tries to distract me with sex whenever I talk about ASL, and I think she's pissed we haven't had any for a while. I know it's messed up to think this way but sometimes I feel like that's the only reason she's still dating me.

For sex?


So you think she's just using you?


That's so messed up, I know she's my best friend but you really deserve better than that. You shouldn't let anyone take you for granted.

It's a common theme in my life, especially since I went deaf. I feel like people think people with disabilities don't realize when they're being taken for granted, but we do. And it sucks that for me it's always from the people that are supposed to love me, my dad and Costia, but I just have to deal with it.

No, you don't. I know I shouldn't say this but you can break up with Costia, and in 6 months you'll be 18 so you can leave. Where do you wanna live?

Where do you wanna live?

Greece, definitely Greece. Oh, or Italy. One of those.

Me too.

Wait, really?

Yup. How about when you turn 18 we go together? This was dumb, probably the stupidest thing I've ever done, but I already said it. I watched as she walked around the island, and stood in front of me.

That sounds like a great idea, can we make a pitstop to France first, oh or London?

Whatever you want. Can I tell you something else?

If I can ask you something first.


You don't need to answer but why haven't you tried talking? I mean I know some deaf people can talk.

Well, after the accident I was depressed, I didn't talk, or even look at anyone. My doctors forced me to go to therapy, and the therapist taught me sign language. After that, I just didn't see a reason to use my voice.

Oh, so you've never spoken since then.

No, I kind of felt uncomfortable trying, but if you want me to I can.

No, no I don't want you feeling uncomfortable.

I honestly don't with you, I feel the most normal I've ever felt in my whole life.

A smile appeared on her face and I cleared my throat. I put my hand on my neck so I'd feel the vibrations and tried talking. "H- Hi, K- K- Klark. Hi, Klark."

{Clarke POV}

I was so excited for her, I don't know why, but I was. Her voice was hoarse, probably from not talking for so long, and god the way she said my name. I was so excited that I kissed her. I fucking kissed her, how stupid could I be. When I pulled away she looked up at me confused.

I'm so sorry, I don't know why I did that.

It's fine, I'm kind of glad you did.

Wait, what?

Clarke, if I didn't make it painfully obvious when I basically said let's travel the world together or I said you make me feel normal, or when I didn't pull away from the kiss, let me make it clear now. Clarke, I like you, I've liked you for so long I was just scared you wouldn't like me back. That's why I started dating Costia, I thought it would make me get over you, but it didn't.

You did?

No, I do, and the bullying was just my way of flirting, I know that's not an excuse, but I didn't know how to express my feelings, hell I still don't. If you don't feel the same I'll leave, but if you do please tell me.

I was frozen I couldn't believe she liked me back, all this time she liked me back. I was staring at her debating whether to kiss her or tell her I like her then kiss her.

Please answer me, Clarke.

I like you. God, I've liked you since sixth grade. I never knew you felt the same.

Can I kiss you?

What about Costia?

I'm breaking up with her, I'm officially doing it.

I kissed her. Our lips moved together perfectly and I was freaking out. Lexa Woods is who I'm sharing my first kiss with. Lexa fucking Woods.

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