I'm sorry

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{Lexa POV}

It's been a week since Costia and Raven caught us, it's also been a week since Clarke had even paid attention to me. I was sitting in the library when Clarke walked up to me.

We need to talk. I wanted to talk to Costia first but she won't listen.

She won't even look at me.

Okay, I know it's not ideal, honestly, I think it's worse than us thinking it was a good idea to have sex. But I think...

I zoned out after the last part. I can't believe she regretted having sex with me.

Does that sound like a plan?

Wait, what? Sorry, I wasn't paying attention.

God Lex, I said I think we should go to Costia together, so I can translate for both of you. It's a really bad idea but it's the best I can come up with.

Are you sure that's a good idea?

No, not at all.

Then why do it at all?

Because I like you. Fuck Lexa, I think I might even love you. But I can't act on these feelings when I know Costia hates me.

I only got the first half of that and I really want to kiss you right now.

Well, that isn't happening until we figure this shit out. Until I know us being together won't hurt Costia.

Okay, okay, let's do it. But first, I'm sorry I have to do it.

I pulled Clarke over to a secluded area in the library and kissed her. My hands went to the belt loops on her jeans, pulling her closer and I felt her smile into the kiss before pulling away.

No, I said no kissing.

I'm sorry, I had to.

Well, you need to control yourself. No kissing, no touching, and definitely no sex.

Fine, so when do you wanna talk to her?

I think as soon as possible.

Why? So you can start kissing me again?

I saw a small smile form as she shook her head, You're sick, you know that?

I'm just stating facts.

Whatever, I have to go to class, but let's go to her house after school, okay?

Sure, but one more thing. I think I might love you too. I saw the small smile she had to get bigger before she ran away causing me to laugh. God, she's so adorable.

{Clarke's POV}

This is the stupidest thing I've ever done. In my 17 years and 4 months of existence, it's the stupidest thing I've ever done. Besides already breaking the girl code and my best friend not trusting me anymore, I'm really about to go over to her house with Lexa, to translate for them. Oh and can't forget the fact that I can't stop smiling because Lexa said she might love me too.

How is this supposed to work? All I wanna do right now is jump into Lexa's arms and kiss her. She's already grabbed my hand three times on the walk here and I had to pull away and watch as she started frowning. Now here we are in front of Costia's house and all I can do is pray that this goes okay.

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