Worth It

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{Lexa POV}

It's been a couple of days since the last time Clarke and I talked after I shut my shade before she could say anything else. And I can't stop thinking about her dancing or the small smile she gave me. God this is so wrong. Besides the fact she's straight, I have a fucking girlfriend who is literally sitting next to me right now.

Costia handed me a piece of paper she wrote on, What are you thinking about?

Why won't you learn Sign Language? I wrote under her question. This and texting was the only form of communication we had.

It's hard.

But you haven't ever tried. You won't even learn the ABCs.

Yes, I have. I know how to spell your name and mine, it's just hard.

Costia turned my head towards her and kissed me as she straddled my lap. As we kissed and her tongue slipped past my lips she brought my hand past her shorts. Her head rested against my shoulder as my hand touched her center.

I opened my eyes and saw Clarke shutting her shade as she looked away from the window, probably trying to give u privacy, but it just made me want to stop.

I moved Costia off of me who immediately felt offended and didn't understand why that was the second time I turned her down this week.

I'm not in the mood, I wrote on a piece of paper.

She started talking but I couldn't hear her, I just saw her mouth moving at a fast pace, she seemed mad. I didn't understand why, I just wasn't in the mood for sex. I was in the mood to have a conversation with someone. To have a conversation with Clarke to be more specific.

You know I can't hear you, I wrote then showed it to her.

She grabbed the paper from me to write something then shoved it in my face, I'm leaving.

Once I saw her car drive away I started throwing pencils at Clarke's window. When she opened the blinds she gave me a confused look, which I returned with a small wave.

You okay? I couldn't help but smile as I saw her signing to me, I don't know why it just brought me so much joy.

Yeah, why wouldn't I be?

Not to sound like a...sorry I don't know the sign for it, but not to sound like a P-E-R-V were you not about to have S-E-X? I mean that's why I closed my blinds.

Maybe...yeah, but I wasn't in the mood.

Oh, so did Costia leave or something?

Yeah, she got mad. I don't understand why though.

Did you try talking to her? Sorry, I'm asking so many questions but Costia's my best friend.

It's fine, and no, she won't learn ASL, she won't even try. If I try teaching her she tries distracting me with sex, when I ask her why she won't learn, once again she tries distracting me with sex. It's just, I wish she would try, I wanna talk to her, it gets boring just staring at our phones and not talking.

I'm sorry I'm not the fastest reader, can you repeat that? Also, what does sex mean?

Sex is S-E-X. And no it's fine, I don't know why I told you all that anyway.

Ohhh, as you can see when I learned ASL I didn't learn the inappropriate stuff. Are you sure you don't want to repeat it?

Yeah, I should probably get going anyway.

Bye Lexa.

I can't believe I told all Clarke that, what the hell is wrong with me? At least she didn't understand it. God, I can never make a mistake like that again, I need to stop talking to her.


While I was working out at eleven thirty instead of six-thirty I looked out my window to see Clarke dancing again. She actually looked more like she was singing while doing a sad interpretation of some kind of dance.

I looked to see what song was playing and started smiling. I paused it and she turned around to give me a confused face. I started the song again and did the correct dance to Worth It by Fifth Harmony, smiling as she stared in shock.

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