Fuck, fuck, fuck

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{Lexa's POV}

Paybacks a bitch, isn't it?

No, it's actually amazing, really fucking amazing. Now come here I wanna cuddle.

Ahhh I see your learning curse words.

Yeah, I have to if I wanna know what half the things you're saying are. You curse every other word.

That is not true.

Fine, every other sentence...Wait, what are you going?

If there's one thing I've learned about you over the past couple of weeks, you always steal the blanket, I'll be cold.

Once I grabbed her shirt off the floor and put it on, she had a big smile, You look cute in my clothes.

I rolled my eyes and laid down next to her. Her hand ran through my hair causing me to smile as she left kisses along my neck.

I saw my phone flash and was about to grab it when Clarke moved on top of me. I don't think I'm done with you yet.

Oh really?

Definitely not done.

She pulled my shirt off, well her shirt, and started kissing all over my chest, until I flipped us over.

{Clarke's POV}

She flipped us over and used one hand to pin my hands above my head while the other went to my breasts, along with her mouth.

"Whoa, what the hell?"

I looked over to see Raven in the doorway, covering her eyes.

"RAVEN! Lexa stop, red, red Lexa," I said as I signed the color red over and over again.

Lexa looked over and saw Raven in the doorway. She immediately started freaking out as she covered both of us with the blanket.

"Do you wanna explain why you're in bed with your best friend's girlfriend?"

"I- I- it's not like that."

"Then why the hell did I just see your boob in her fucking mouth?"

"Tha- that's not what I meant. She's going to break up with Costia, sh- she tried a couple of times, but she's actually going to do it tomorrow. They haven't been working out for a while, Costia's horrible to Lexa."

"That still doesn't change the fact that they're together right now. Lexa cheated on her girlfriend with her girlfriend's best friend."

"Costia doesn't care about Lexa, she never did, not since the accident. She couldn't even take the time to learn sign language."

"Once again that doesn't matter, as of right now this is cheating."

"We didn't mean for this to happen. We would talk every day as friends, I don't know, one day we kissed and...and we both felt like a spark, I know it's stupid, but it's true. An- and one thing led to another...multiple times."

"This isn't the first time?"

"No," I said barely above a whisper.

"How many times?"

I put up the number five and watched as her face turned into disappointment and disgust.

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