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{Clarke POV}

I couldn't believe Lexa could dance, especially that freaking good. How was she doing that?


How what? She signed back with a big smile on her face.

You're deaf, how can you dance? Wait, that wasn't supposed to be mean.

Vibrations, the beat, the bass, most of the songs I listen to have a bass boost. Also doesn't help that before I went deaf I took dance classes, and memorized that dance when the song first came out.

Wow, that's so cool. You took dance classes?

Yup, still do, it's a class for deaf students. In my opinion, deaf dancers are the best dancers.

Wow, I can't believe you dance.

What's your favorite song?

What makes you beautiful by 1D, why?

Oh god, Lexa signed with a fake gag.

Hey, 1D is amazing, don't hate on them.

Whatever you think, I gotta go now.

Wait, you never said why you wanted to know.

Bye Clarke. Lexa waved then shut her shades.


Throughout the week I would hear my favorite one-direction song blaring from Lexa's house, and was so confused until one day when I was painting in my room Lexa started throwing pencils at my window.

Hey neighbor, it's been a while.

She didn't say anything, instead, she moved back and did something on her phone. What makes you beautiful by One Direction was playing and she started dancing.

I can't believe she can dance. I can hear and can't dance like that, I can't dance at all.

The way her body moves to the music, the way parts of her body like her back, or her abs, or her arms flex a little with certain moves, the way she smiles as she's dancing, and the way her hair moves is all just extremely hot and I definitely shouldn't be thinking like this.

She's my best friend's girlfriend and she's my bully, well used to be my bully, I honestly don't know what's happening anymore. All I know is my feelings have grown to an abnormal amount. Fuck, do I love her? N- no how could I, that was so stupid.

So, what did you think? Lexa signed to me when the song was over.

Wow, there are no words to describe how good that was. I wish I could dance that good.

Show me your moves.

No, there trash compared to yours. It's embarrassing.


Oh god, how could I say no to those puppy dog eyes? Wow, she's extremely adorable.

Fine, I signed as I put on some music. As I danced I saw her starting to laugh which made me think back to sixth grade so I stopped immediately. Why are you laughing?

I'm sorry, but you look funny. I couldn't hear or feel the music, I didn't mean to laugh.

It was still rude, especially after all the trauma you've put me through.

Hey Clarke, I'm sorry about that. I don't know why I was like that. I think it had to do with having parents who abandoned me and then-

Wait, what's abandoned?

A-B-A-N-D-O-N-E-D. They abandoned me when I was five, then I got adopted by this guy named Titus Woods. All he cared about was my soccer career even though I wanted to dance. Then after the accident, well he didn't give a shit about me.


S-H-I-T. Sorry, your signing is so good I keep forgetting you don't know certain things.

No, it's fine. I'm sorry that happened to you. You are amazingly talented and this Titass dude seems horrible. Wait why are you laughing?

You spelled T-I-T-A-S-S, not T-I-T-U-S.

Oh my god, how could I mess up like that?

I don't know, but it really made my day.

Hey, I mean I aim to please.

I gotta go, but can we talk later.

Of course.

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