This is so wrong

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{3rd person bcuz I can't do first person smutish pov. I tried but it didn't work lol}

Her hands went to Clarke's back pulling her closer, slipping her knee between the blonde's legs.

As Lexa's leg rubbed against her center a moan slipped from Clarke's lips and she swore she could have felt Lexa's lips curl into a smile against her neck. Clarke let out another moan that was a little louder and felt the smile get wider.

She definitely somehow knows I'm moaning, Clarke thought to herself. Shit, was my first time really going to be with Lexa, the Lexa Woods? This is wrong, this is so wrong, but I want this, I shamefully want this, but I don't want it happening in the kitchen. Clarke pulled away, both of them slightly out of breath, as Lexa gave Clarke a confused face.

What's wrong? Do you want to stop? We can if you want.

No, no I want this. God, you don't know how bad I want this.

Me too, what's wrong?

I rather not do it in the kitchen. Can we go to my room?

A smile spread across Lexa's face while she lifted the blonde who instantly wrapped their legs around her. Lexa stumbled up the steps, kissing along Clarke's neck. And when they got to Clarke's room she gently put her on the bed and hovered over her.

Are you sure you're okay? Are you sure you want your first time to be with me?

I'm positive, just go slow.

Lexa pulled her shirt off then put her hands on the hem of Clarke's shirt waiting for permission. Once her shirt was off Clarke watched as Lexa's eyes zeroed in on the blonde's breasts still covered by her bra, making her laugh.

When she took her bra off Lexa licked her lips before looking up at Clarke.

You're beautiful.

Yeah, sure. Clarke signed as she rolled her eyes.

No, I'm serious. You are the most beautiful person I've ever seen, and I would love to take care of you. Can I?

Clarke felt and heard her heart start to beat faster than it already was, she knew that if Lexa put her hand on her chest she would be able to feel it.

So that's what she did, she took Lexa's hand and brought it to her heart. When Lexa felt Clarke's heart pounding she softly rubbed her chest.

Are you nervous?

Yes, extremely nervous.

It'll be okay, all you have to do is relax.  I'll take care of you while you just lay back and relax, deal?


Just one thing, if I look up at you I need you to sign green for keep going, yellow for slow down, or red for stop. If I'm not looking at you and you want me to stop or slow down just face my head towards you and then sign the color. Can you do that for me?

Clarke nodded her head and watched as Lexa's mouth went down to her breasts. She left love bites along Clarke's skin then looked up at her waiting for a color.


Lexa's thumbs brushed over the hardened little buds in front of her, causing Clarke's hips to cant up at the feeling. She then brought her mouth to one and let her tongue swirl around it causing Clarke's hips to move up once again.

After giving the same attention to both of Clarke's breasts and wishing so desperately that she could hear the blonde, Lexa started kissing further down.

She got near Clarke's waistline and looked up.


Lexa pulled Clarke's shorts off then moved so her head was right in between Clarke's thighs. She gave a soft kiss to Clarke's thigh then looked back up.


She went over to the other thigh, letting her lips ghost over it then bit her lip as she realized what she was about to do. Fuck, I'm really about to go down on Clarke Griffin, the girl I've had a crush on for I don't even know how many years.

Fuck, Clarke thought, besides Lexa Woods, the Lexa Woods that I've had a crush on since sixth grade is my first kiss, she's really about to go down on me.


Three days later they found themselves in Clarke's bed again, then two days after that where Clarke went down on Lexa for the first time.

In the beginning, all Clarke could think about was that she was doing something wrong until she heard Lexa moaning. Clarke thought Lexa's moans were the hottest and wanted to hear them for as long as she could.

So that's exactly what she got four days later in Lexa's room, as she edged her two times until she looked up to see the brunette signing please over and over again while a quiet, raspy please fell from her lips. Besides hearing the brunette moan she loved when she would let out a breathy fuck or please, she loved when Lexa used her voice, she loved when she didn't too but there was just something about hearing Lexa beg that she loved.

And almost a week later as they laid on Clarke's bed, Lexa decided to get payback. She went down on her till she thought she was close then moved up to kiss her. When she thought enough time had passed, her finger slipped past the blonde's entrance and she watched as Clarke's eyebrows scrunched together, her mouth hung open, and her back arched off the bed. When she could feel Clarke was close again, she pulled out earning a death stare from the blonde. She kissed her then moved her lips down Clarke's body going down to her center once again. She was about to move when she felt Clarke was close for a third time, but the blonde's hand went to Lexa's head, holding her there.

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