Yes to the Dress

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I know I've been gone for a long time, but I finally have free time to write!

Also unedited


Dominic and I only got a few private moments to ourselves before passing out from exhaustion. The next day wasn't any better. Dominic woke up much earlier than I did but wrote me a note explaining he needed to get work done to make the tasting this evening. I thought I would have the day to relax, but I contacted my entire famiglia to explain what was happening in the next few days. 


"Mama, I didn't call you to hear about your garden. Dominic and I are flying down tomorrow for my dress fitting. I need you ready to join me around noon." 

I sat outside in the rose garden to make my many phone calls. Mama has been telling me about rabbits invading her garden again for the past twenty minutes. She barely gave me time to explain why I called.

"Yes, yes, I know. Dominic already told me." Mama snapped.

"Why are you and Dominic still conversing? It's very odd."

"He makes sure to call me every day, unlike some people."

"Mama, I have no time for your sarcasm. I have too much on my plate."

"Is speaking to your papa one of those things on your plate? I am tired of living like this, Alessandra! He is your father, and you are his daughter. How can I be excited to plan a wedding that my husband knows nothing about?" Mama accused.

I sighed heavily. Roberto talked to him, and I didn't hear anything back. Ultimately, it's not his burden to speak to papa; it's mine.

"Mama, this conversation isn't going to be easy. I know I have to talk to him, but there's a lot that papa has done that makes reuniting all the more difficult."

"Difficult or not, he is your papa. You won't feel complete if you walk down that aisle without him."

"I'll talk to him after my fitting."

"Perfect! Thank you, amore."


In a flash, the day went by with all the work I had to do. I had to confirm many appointments and call back so many friends and famiglia because they forgot to RSVP. Everyone has officially confirmed to come to my wedding. By the time I got a chance to sit on the couch in the living room, Dominic had come storming in, announcing the food was set up in the dining room.

The entire dining table was filled with covered trays with fancy labels on the trays. Everything was arranged according to food groups. There were two large papers on the center of the table with two fancy feathered pens dipped into an ink cartridge. On the paper, it read Ratings in fancy cursive letters. Wow, Sophia sure is extra!

"This is a sampling? Why are the trays so big?" I cried out as I looked over the crazy amounts of food.

"My thoughts exactly. Whatever isn't eaten, we'll leave the rest for the staff."

Dominic and I sat in the middle of the dining table and started off with the appetizer. Keeping in mind my fitting for tomorrow, I made sure my portions were small even though the food was heavenly. 

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