New Agreement

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Sorry for the late update!!! I've been enjoying my days off from work before school starts. So sit back and enjoy and be patient ABOUT MY UPDATES PLEASE!!!!


It felt like a millennial before Dominic agreed to my proposal. At first, Dominic was cautious about the idea which he has every right to be. I've been back and forth with my feelings about this union and I've been caught sneaking behind his back making him look like a fool in front of his employees. Not to mention if we didn't make this work, how bad he can make my life and my family lives'.

I wouldn't blame him if he wanted to think or refuse my offer. To my surprise that he agreed after a few moments of quiet thought. He even agreed to make a new contract with things we both agree on in order for this union to work. Maybe Dominic is willing to work things out. 

I took a seat across from where he sat behind his desk. We decided it was best to get started and hopefully finish the agreement before leaving this office. I wanted us to stick to our new commitment. 

"So principessa, What is your first request for our union?" I allowed Dominic to be in charge of writing up our requests on his laptop so he can ship it off to a lawyer to get it finalized, well not before I proofread everything.

"Well first thing's first, being single. If we are truly going to settle down and accept this then I don't want any of us to have ties with anyone else. I'm putting myself out there for the first time, I don't want to feel what I felt yesterday ever again."

"For the last time-- You know what, fine. I promise that there will be no other females that you need to worry about. Every female that I've ever come to contact with is will be gone from my life by the time I send out this request to the lawyer. That I can promise." He snarked. 

I knew he was annoyed that I kept bringing up the cheating but he still doesn't understand how much that hurt me to see this girl disrespect me and for him not to defend me. 

"That was unnecessarily snarky but thank you. Next, I want no secrets. Whatever business you have concerning your money or assets don't matter to me but if it has something to do with us being a future family or a risk coming our way or possible feelings that have been kept in the dark need to be brought to the light and talked about. I don't want to be in the dark about own relationship." 

"Not possible Amore. If a secret needs to be kept from you then it's for your own good. Having you sleep at night with no worries is my goal in life Principessa, you knowing too much will destroy my goal." He smirked quietly.

"Not possible? You must be kidding me! All I want to know is your reasoning for all this madness. You are keeping so much more than business and safety from me. Just be honest with me."

"Honestly comes when trust is earned. Right now I can't trust you. You were plotting against me and don't think I forgot about that. Your head should be fed to the sharks in the ocean as we speak if you were anyone else and were caught lying and plotting against me. You're lucky I don't spank that ass of your already!"

"You're insane! All I asked for was honesty, not your entire life secrets. If we can both agree on honesty then our lives will be so much better. You don't get to lie and forget the rules because your some big boss that is afraid of showing your feelings."

"Watch it, Amore, you're treading on thin fucking ice! I give you honesty when you need it nothing more or fucking less so take it and move on."

"Fine! Since you want to shut down my ideas, let's hear your amazing ideas!"

He sat for a moment in anger and a small smile sneaked onto his lips. His smile was mischievous and yet so freaking sexy! I hated him.

"I want the same things I added onto the last agreement. I am a simple man despite what you might think. I only require a few things in life."

"Please refresh my memory of what those things were?"

"Kids are my main priority. I need an heir for the family fortune. I require 5 children."

5-5-5 CHILDREN?! Who in the hell needs 5 children? Who in the hell wants 5 children? Dominic has been knowing for wanting some outrageous things but he is he actually serious about me giving him 5 children? His desire for an heir is understandable and with much time and MANY hours of work and preparation into this relationship it could be possible but in no universe is having 5 children welcomed or acceptable in our situation. 

"5 children, have you gone mad? You've been an only child all your life and been a single bachelor. What makes you think you're ready for 5 children? Or do you think I'll be raising these kids alone and all you need to do is knock me up?" 

"I understand my old lifestyle and the lack of siblings in my life which is why I require 5 children, and that is not negotiable. My children will be surrounded by familia. Familia must be the most important lesson in their lives. True loyalty lies in familia. The plans I have for the business requires loyalty to run. I need all my children involved. Besides, I've always fantasized about having a big familia. Now it's possible."

"I cannot and will not agree to 5 children. I am young and I haven't thought about myself having a family yet. Besides, we haven't gotten through this request list without starting a fight so agreeing to give you 5 children and possibly changing my mind in the future is not fair to you nor me. I can agree with 2 children. An heir and spare if you will."

" final offer is if you agree to 2 children and after the second child I have every right to convince you to produce 3 more children."

"If I agree that means you must agree to give me the honest truth about out anything that involves our relationship, my safety, and important people around me." 

"Fine." Dominic growled as he wrote down the requests. Although he's making life harder, progress is being made.

"My next request is becoming apart of the familia. If you're truly honest about being in this union then I need you to become apart of the Vincenzo clan. Which means planning and throwing parties, attending social events, becoming familiar with our business legal and illegal. If something were to happen to me I need you prepared to jump in." 

Parties and social events? I haven't been around people in so long so the thought of being the spotlight at these events does scare me. Yet, this is his request and probably his only easy request.

"I'm okay with that. As long as I can get some help planning then I should be okay."

"Good. Liliana is at your disposal for planning, anything else can be assisted by my mother. Liliana has her contact information in case you need it."

"Your mother...Um, I think I can manage without her."

"Hmm, scared of my mother? Don't worry, as long as you keep her baby boy happy she will be a happy woman."

"Very funny. Is there anything else you need from me?" 

"Yes, one more thing. If I am going risk being vulnerable towards you for us to work then I need for you to give me the same energy back. I will not be made a fool again. You betraying me already caused more damage beyond repair. If you want this work then I need for you to forget that little self-righteous attitude of yours and realize that you need me and I need you."

His words were harsh and cut me deeply but I knew there was truth and hurt behind his words. He isn't used to betrayal no matter how minuscule the act is. If someone hurts him, he kills them instead of feeling like crap because someone he trusted misused his trust. I have to realize that I hurt him. Dominic may not show his feelings but there are there and they are intense.

 I need to start to move forward in forgiving him and I want Dominic to start to trust me again.

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