Do I stay...

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I hope all you guys loved the long previous chapter because I am back again! Now I know most of you are questioning this new Damon Character but give him a chance. You never know what his purpose can be in Alessandra and Dominic's life. 


The night ended beautifully. I danced the night away with my famiglia by my side. Without Damon beside me, I don't think I would have made it through the night but I did and I handled every battle with class and maturity. I couldn't say the same for Dominic. He left the party before me. I didn't realize until the music shut down that he was gone and I was totally fine with it. Damon was my date for the night and he was doing a much better job. 

Guests started to leave and I took it upon myself to say goodbye to everyone at the front entrance as they were chauffeured to their cars. Despite the night going as planned, I manage to succeed with the only task I had for myself and that was too make a meaningful connection with his famiglia. At the end of the night, I received the approval from Dominic's father before he left with his still bitter wife. I sent my famiglia back home with once the chauffers brought the cars from the valet. For some reason, I didn't want to leave the venue. The moment I leave, I'm thrown back into reality.

I stood in my dressing room looking at the night through the large window. I was still in my dress, all dulled up and pretty with a huge diamond on my finger. In any other situation, I should be at home with Dominic, reminiscing over our successful night and enjoying some much needed alone time. Yet here I was alone. 

"I lost you in the crowd doll face. I thought you left." A familiar devious voice called out to me. I turned to see Damon leaning casually against the door frame with that famous cheeky smile of his. I couldn't help but smile at him.

"I sent them home, they were tired and frankly I'm not ready to face the war that's waiting for me at home."

"Ah, the wrath of Dominic. I could only imagine how pissed he was after your little speech. Good job out there though, you handled Veronica with such...class."

"Thank you. I did mean what I said, you really made my night. If you weren't here...I don't think I could have made it."

"Magnificant lover, charming millionaire, and now a knight and shining armor. What can't I do?"

"I'm serious! You were really my savior. Tonight was probably the hardest day of my life! I know he's your friend or whatever but that man is...fucking crazy!"

"Crazy is an understatement. Can I ask...what happened? The last thing I heard, he was smitten with you and Veronica was nowhere in the picture."

"We were good. A few fights here and there but I really thought we settled everything and we were going to be good. Then he started to lose it with the control thing and I couldn't take it anymore so I stood my ground. You don't know what it's like to be locked up during the best years of your life. For 4 long years, I had no control over my life. The Vincenzo's controlled every aspect I did. So yes maybe I overreacted but he wanted to keep controlling me! I don't want to be controlled anymore. Then...he left me. All alone the night before the party. He didn't come back until literary an hour before the party started. Then he wants to yell at me and make me feel smaller than I already do! He doesn't understand how insecure I feel being surrounded by his famiglia. He doesn't realize that my own father won't even support me because I decided to try with Dominic. He doesn't realize that women like Veronica make me feel so insecure about myself and my position in his life. After tonight...he proved how much of an evil person he can be." 

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