Face to Face pt.2

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Omg, So I wrote these 3 chapters in a row, which will make uploading so much easier! I can actually start uploading frequently. Hopefully, I can start doing this method with all my stories.

Anyways, you know what to do...Comment, VOTE SHARE LIKE & FOLLOW ME

Dominic's POV.

Time was ticking. Every second I waited here, is every second I wasted on finding ways to destroy this girl...my wife. The moment I see her, I know the perfect plan will pop right into my head. No doubt she will be some lonely desperate poor brute with money on her mind. There is no way I will allow someone of her stature as my wife.

If I have to play along I will, but I will find a way out of this arrangement without me losing my title and my money.

We left by nightfall as promised and headed to Milan to go fetch my bride. It was a long excruciating journey by jet but we made it. I was ready to fetch the girl, destroy her life and head back to my mansion filled with beautiful curvaceous women.

In her file, it said that her appointed guard was Samuel. A trusted guard that has been working for my family over 20 years. My father granted him a riskfree position closer to home due to his new baby. I needed to get into contact with Samuel so he can prepare the brute for when I arrive.

"Samuel it is Dominic Vicenzo. I don't think you are up to speed on the current events so let me fill you in. I've been appointed the leader of the brigade, this is now mine not my father's so you will report to me. Secondly, I want Alessandra packed and ready within the hour. I am coming to get her and bring her back to Genoa."

"What...sir....no you can't do this! This isn't how it was supposed to go!" Samuel barked.

"Listen here, guard. I am not my father, I will not tolerate your tone so fix it! I said I am coming and I am. I don't care if it was 8 months from now or today. I feel like retrieving her so I am".

"Sir you're making a big mistake. That pact is..."

"That pact was made 100+ years ago and has absolutely no moral in my decision! They're lucky I am even acknowledging something so imbecile as arrange marriage! AN HOUR SAMUEL OR I WON'T BE HAPPY."

I turned off the phone and hopped off the plane. I needed to run to my hotel before going to meet my brute wife of mine.

I checked into a secluded hotel about a half hour from the castle. The plane won't be able to fly back until tomorrow so once I retrieve the brute, we will stay here before we head back home.

Once my men were checked in and strapped up, we headed straight to the mysterious tower that held the secret of a lifetime.

It was a bitch to find this tower but sure enough, behind the forest where it stood. In an open field surrounded by tall trees and seclusion. The tower stood strong and tall, it amazed me how it was managed to stay hidden from any wandering eyes. I can see why Alessandra was placed here.

I waited for the rest of my guys to pull up before briefing them on the plan.

"Listen, we are here for the retrieval of my wife. There should be no fighting nor bloodshed. Half of you will stay out here to make sure the perimeter is safe for our leave. The rest will come in and help her move her stuff into the car if needed. Like I said, no problems no blood...it should be an easy transaction."

I put on my famous pearly smile before walking to the door and knocking. I am quite surprised that Samuel wasn't here to greet me already. He knew I was coming.

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