Dark times

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Back again with another chapter. PSA I made a mistake. Alessandra is from Milan, Dominic is from Genoa. So if you still see mistakes, let me know so I can fix it but I got most of them.


Damon and I chatted for a bit before he drove me back to work. It was nice to get an update about Dominic. I left everything I had behind that he gave me so I have no way of contacting if I wanted too. Hearing about his progress, it might be too early to contact him; and that's if I contact him at all. We needed more time apart before we can look into contacting each other. I'm quite surprised that I've been in Genoa for 7 days and not once has he contacted me or sent someone to spy on me and I've checked numerous times. He's finally giving me my space. 

My first day of work had gone by with a breeze. I've made a few friends with the junior realtor and personal assistants and made no major mistakes. Now it was time to settle into the country house. The house is off the coast of Milan, it is a two-story yellow brick home with a mini courtyard built in the center of the home. It has been my parent's retirement project for the past 10 years. We would come here to stay during the summertime whenever we wanted to be away from the city. This is the perfect place for me to settle in. I only had my essentials packed into a suitcase that sat in the trunk of my car. I have to wait for the weekend when Juliana and Bambina are free to move the rest of my things. 

Mama had the fridge fully stocked with food thankfully so when I got home all I needed to do was cook food. I made myself alfredo pasta with a glass of white wine before settling down in the living room. The content I felt made me extremely happy. Here I was, eating and enjoying my own company. Some may find this lonely but I find this freeing. 


For the next few days before the weekend, my schedule has been the same. Work and home, work and home. It was becoming a tad repetitive. I needed something to do during the week that kept my weekdays exciting. One of the personal assistants Jasmine, who I became close with told me about the Latin dance classes and the yoga classes she goes to on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I haven't taken dance classes in years and my body could use some deep stretching. She invited me along to attend the next classes. Now I had something to look forward too in my week. 

But today is the weekend and I have all the time in the world to go crazy. I met up with Juliana and Bambina back at my parent's house to pack the rest of my things before taking it back to the country home. For the beginning of the afternoon, we sat upstairs in the master bedroom sipping wine, listening to music, and putting everything back in its place. 

"Juliana...why didn't you tell me that Damon contacted you?" I wondered as I organized my clothes in my closet.

Juliana scoffed as she grabbed her glass from the dresser and sat on the bed.

"I decided to use the card that you gave me and gave him a call. He hung up on me in a second and tried to video call me so I answered. He was an absolute pig so I hung up. He hasn't stopped contacting me since."

"Maybe he wanted to see your face?" I suggested.

"Oh he saw me and he definitely liked what he saw. That doesn't excuse being a pig."

"You can't lie, he's one sexy pig." Bambina giggled.

"I don't find pigs sexy Bams, they are disgusting animals that roll around in their own filth."

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